2 mystery-evaluate how PageRank As Google evaluates PR?
The question that haunted the people for years. Nobody exactly (except developers) do not know the real appreciation of the site and assigns importance to PR. The first chapter was written, that the estimates of the number of links, PR assigned during the “Google Dance” but did not know exactly how PR is calculated for a particular page. There Äri world where PR can be at the site and without some reference to it (site). Thus, this mystery is perhaps the most important and most closed. The approximate formula for calculating PR, which is not official information, and calculate the results of independent researchers : PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (T1) / C (T1) + … + PR (Tn) / C (Tn)) Where PR (A) – A PageRank page (meaning, which we want to withdraw). D-reduction factor. Usually, it is set to 0.85. PR (T1) – PageRank site claiming to A. C (T1) is the number of links leading to that page. PR (Tn) / C (Tn) means that we do for all pages that link to a page
3 A. secrecy as a PageRank to your page A does. PR receive it defines and prisvaevaet Google. But it is possible to increase. Obviously to improve PR also requires that site has been Goggle. And so the new map can take anywhere from one day to two weeks. It is known that one of the criteria to improve PR are references to other pages on the Internet the most common method for improving PR is a site with links to other resources on the Internet. It should not be forgotten that PR is calculated by the number of incoming and outgoing links, so its pages show weight should reduce the number of links to your site and try to get links from. There will be direct links. That is, if the code is a reference attribute “nofollow” then the link will not be considered as Google if it is not easy. That such references are not a Google – rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” href=”http://www.blogger.com/example.com ” rel = “nofollow” Google does not take into account all the references. Search engine filters out links to sites dedicated to gathering references. Some links can not only take into account, but also adversely affect the ranking of the parent site (such effect physicists pessimizatsiey search). Google understands that the Webmaster is not in a position to influence those external links, but has full control of outbound links from his site. The reference to the site will not damage him, but references to the site can. It should be attentive to the site to which you refer.
4 secrecy transfusions PageRank PR Another mystery is his transfusion. Looks as follows. The site “X” homepage is PR-4 and is a new page or subdomain. Immediately after the index guglbotom, even in the absence of references to the subdomain he can be of PR. Not necessarily the same as the front page, one can, sometimes two. This phenomenon is not yet known, and few people know why this is so. As usual, there are suggestions, but no one can say the exact answer. But there also is not clear where beruschiysya PR is an opportunity to reflect that not all methods of evaluation are known to us. Here is a real-life example : A site shamol.3dn.ru owns PR-2 even though according to the same site from Google is no backlinks. Perhaps this transfusions of a domain in the same pool domains (3dn-domain free hosting and subdomain of the domain can be very long), as well as himself domain 3dn.ru immediately makes redirecting to a different domain.
5 secrets-how many references to increase PageRank known factor is the availability of external links to increase their PR site. But how much is required references to raise such PR your site until June? There is a lot of controversy, no one knows specifically (except developers) how much all such references, and what sites might raise your PR. But smart friends online about done, of course this is not true, as a last resort, but need to take into account. For example plaque, which can build : I earned the right to be considered that the references to pages in the high PR more important in evaluating the PR of your site. Rachityvaya all on the same table shows that the reference to the site to raise PR 6 page on which to PR4. While here, too, playing the role of such factors as the number of other references to ssylaemom site rank pages referred to by other references, and more.
6 secrecy as not to lose PageRank PR-pieces is quite relative and losing PR, that is, to make him fall quite easily. Chapters about transfusions and provides a PR basis. Above all this is not pereborschit with outgoing links on their site. But PR is calculated in the aggregate incoming and outgoing links. So if the number ihodyaschih will clearly exceed those site could face a strong decline PR. PR can also lose should the next “Google Dance” suddenly disappear all links to your site from other sites. There have been cases where PR fell from 6 to 1-2. And the worst option is the “Google” happy pinalti your site. The case has not seen, but found online stories that Google may well prodinamit site ulichenny Sales references just for show PR another site. Lock is the worst option, as a PR return will be difficult, if not impossible.
7 secrecy-earning a PageRank To date, sales of links to pages with high PR is one of the most profitable businesses online. Reference is usually sold for the month ahead and is depending on the value of PR of 5-6 dollars per link (PR 3-4) to a few hundred per link (PR 7-8). There is even a precedent, as a reference to the PR10 sell at auction for the whole year for 13,000 dollars. But as mentioned in the previous chapter, in which case there is a risk of pinalti from Google, which would entail reducing the PR and the available site and the customer site. Most references are sold in special markets references. It all happened quite quickly and automatically. Fill out your site posting issued code in the body of the page and the system itself will charge money and create links to the site. Naturally all of the parameters specified number of links, topics, etc. Here are the most popular and well-known system on the Web : 1. TextLinkAds – http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=87020 – please don’t delete my ref link, and become my ref. 2. Sape – http://www.sape.ru/r.34e3a30fc2.php
Please! For reprints articles do not remove references in the text and leave the backward link to my blog at http://17km.blogspot.com
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