Senin, 25 April 2011

Di Butuhkan Penulis untuk BulPen Corporation

Hallo semua,
Dalam tujuan untuk mengembangkan BulPen Corporation agar bias seperti situs-situs besar lain yang di dukung oleh beberapa penulis untuk bekerja sama di dalamnya maka dari itu saya mengajak teman semua yang minat jadi penulis di situs ini, saya sangat senang karena nantinya akan banyak informasi yang akan di share disini apabila banyak penulis maka artikelnya jadi tidak monoton ditulis oleh satu orang saja.
Semua informasi bisa di share disini seperti info komuper, handphone, artis, berita, tips and triks, kesehatan, buku, motivasi dan tentunya tentang pendidikan karena BulPen sendiri adalah kependekkan dari Buletin Pendidikan.

Syaratnya sebagai berikut :
1. Siap bekerja sama dengan penulis lain di BulPen Corporation
2. Bisa update artikel setiap saat minimal 1 artikel setiap minggunya
3. Bebas menulis artikel apa saja asal tidak berbau porno (maksudnya porno seperti video porno atau cerita porno saja)
4. Menggunakan bahasa yang sopan dan mudah dimengerti tentunya
5. Mengirimkan alamat email valid anda (kalau bisam data nama tentunya agar bisa di tambahkan sebagai penulis kirim ke atau fb di
6. Anda harus punya akun biar gampang dalam penambahannya sebagai penulis disini
7. Boleh menambahkan link blog pribadi anda pada setiap postingan yang dibuat
8. Bisa juga copas artikel dari blog pribadi atau blog orang lain dengan menyertakan sumbernya,
missal di akhir artikel di kasih source :

Terima kasih atas perhatian teman semua yang telah membaca info ini, salam blogger and keep sharing
Ditunggu responnya kawan untuk jadi penulis di BulPen Corporation


Hello all,
Now you can advertise your company on site BulPen Corporation with a very affordable cost.

There are several pricing options to choose from in the advertising:
1. 1 U.S dollars in 1 month
2. 5 U.S. dollars in 6 months
3. 10 U.S. dollars in 1 year

Note: 1 dolars = 10,000 rupiah (Indonesian currency)

Please select a package above ads to fit your needs.

Way of advertising as follows:

Company Name:
Company Website Address:
Your advertising banner to be installed here: (format jpg, gif, png or swf and size 125x125)

Send to
email : (with the subject ad)
SMS : 08562643124

Hallo semua,
Sekarang anda bisa memasang iklan perusahaan anda di situs BulPen Corporation dengan biaya yang sangat terjangkau.

Ada beberapa pilihan harga yang bisa anda pilih dalam memasang iklan disini :
1. 10.000 rupiah dalam 1 bulan
2. 50.000 rupiah dalam 4 bulan
3. 100.000 rupiah dalam 1 tahun

Silahkan pilih paket iklan di atas sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.

Cara pemasangan iklan sebagai berikut :

Nama Perusahaan :
Alamat Situs Perusahaan :
Banner iklan anda untuk di pasang disini : ( format jpg,gif,png atau swf dengan ukuran 125x125)

kirim ke
email : ( dengan subject iklan )
sms : 08562643124

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Wow Mr.Bean Agains

Setelah lama saya tak melihat film mr.bean di televisi, akhirnya saya tadi pas nyalain televisi sedang di putar salah satu film favorit saya itu di stasiun tv swasta.

Lucu juga sih walaupun sebenarnya sudah pernah nonton film itu tapi tetep aja masih bisa ngakak.hahah
Filmnya bercerita tentang perjalanan liburan mr.bean karena menang undian gitu deh. dalam liburannya mr.bean seperti biasanya selalu melakukan hal-hal kocak, lucu, aneh, dan kadang malah tak masuk akal. Tapi di situlah lucunya film mr.bean itu.

Mario Teguh Corner #1

Pak Mario, bagaimana caranya
menemukan ilmu yang penting?

Jika engkau ingin cepat menemukan ilmu
yang paling penting bagimu,
...cobalah melakukan hal baik
yang biasanya enggan kau lakukan.

Di dalam melakukan yang tidak kau sukai itu,
engkau akan menemukan pengertian baru
yang akan membebaskanmu dari batasan-batasan
pekerjaan yang kau sukai selama ini.

Ingatlah. Tidak semua yang kau sukai itu, berguna.

By Mario Teguh

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Cara Bikin Google Adsense Dengan Mudah Dan Jaminan Di Approve

Waduh kok masih belum bisa tidur yah, padahal sudah hampir jam 3pagi nih. dari pada ga ada kerjaan dan bingung mau ngapain jadi akhirnya saya nulis artikel lagi aja deh dan niat untuk berbagi ilmu saja pada para pembaca setia blog BulPen ini. Artikel ini juga sebenarnya menepati janji saya kepada temen kampus saya binkuro yang minta ajarin cara ini dan tadi saya jawab saya akan sharing trik ini awal mei atau setelah uji coba daftar tanpa blog/situs dan diterima di adsense. Akhirnya saat ini saya sharing juga tips paling di tunggu-tunggu ini.

Melihat judul artikel ini pasti teman-teman sudah tahu semua kan tips apalagi yang akan saya bagi kepada kawan-kawan bloger semua. Yups betul banget trik yang akan saya bagikan kali ini adalah cara membuat google adsense dengan memanfaatkan pihak ketiga yaitu pihak Ketiga.

Dengan bantuan pihak Ketiga ini kita jadi lebih mudah untuk mendaftar dan di approve oleh pihak pertama yaitu simbah google. Caranya juga sangat simpel kok kita tinggal mendaftar disini, Dan saya sarankan saat anda mendaftar anda sebaiknya menggunakan email valid yang baru dan belum pernah di coba untuk membuat adsense google karena email yang yang sudah pernah di daftarkan dan di tolak tidak bisa di daftarkan lagi disini.

Maaf sebelumnya tanpa screenshot cara mendaftarnya karena males upload heheh.
tapi tenang aja dengan tulisan ini saya yakin anda pasti bisa paham deh.

Pertama klik Disini,
kemudian isikan semua data yang diminta.
setelah pendaftaraan berhasil dan sudah bisa login, anda sebaiknya segera mengisi profile anda dan lengkapi semua datanya sampai minimum 50% agar bisa mendaftar adsense. setelah edit profile kemudian segera upload 10 foto dan jadikan dalam satu album saja biar tidak ribet.
kemudian pilih menu blog trus write blog (tulislah artikel blog di situs tadi minimal 2 artikel. setelah semua syarat itu terpenuhi anda sudah bisa membuat akun google dan menunggu untuk di approve paling cepat dalam 2 hari.

Kalau sudah di approve ini screenshoot di pihak ketiganya

Dan ini adalah screenshoot di pihat pertamanya yaitu google adsense

note : cara ini seratus persen legal dan bukan ilegal ingat itu. Bukannya minta imbalan dari kawan-kawan semua untuk saat ini saya sharing, tapi tolong pengrtiannya sebagai ongkos ngetik artikel ini tidak rugi kiranya kawan semua klik 3 atau 4 iklan google yang ada di blog ini untuk saling membantu mendapatkan biaya internet, hehehe.

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood

Pesta ulang tahun adalah momen yang special dikarenakan terjadi cuma setahun sekali.
Sepertinya anda tidak perlu ragu lagi, karena situs adalah aliansi GarudaFood. Mereka juga menawarkan beragam paket ulang tahun yang serba murah. Oia, juga selain menyediakan paket ultah, juga menyediakan kartu nama dan badut juga supaya pesta ulang tahun semakin meriah tentunya.

Anda juga bisa dapatkan promo yang ada dari Yaitu dengan beragam bonus tambahan, meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood semakin meriah dengan bonus topi pesta + kartu undangan dan juga balon. Buatlah anak kapten bahagia! Untuk promo pesta ulang tahun bisa kapten cek di situsnya langsung.

Customer service merupakan sesuatu yang penting, dikarenakan apa yang diterima, atau suatu saat pelanggan pasti akan membutuhkan tanya jawab dan apabila ada keluhan, maka harus ada yang menanggapi. Nah dalam meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood, tentu hal ini sudah diantisipasi oleh Yap, berikut data customer servicenya apabila anda ada yang ingin ditanyakan kepada mereka :
Butuh informasi lebih lanjut saat ini juga?
Silahkan menghubungi Customer Service kami melalui :
0800 - 1 - 7289 - 77 (BEBAS PULSA)

Bebas pulsa lho...Bilamana ingin mengontak melalui e-mail, ini datanya : . Jadi, anda bisa menghubungi dengan mudah bagian customer servicenya dan tidak perlu takut ada apa-apa atau jika terjadi problem. Mereka pasti akan siap membantu anda dalam meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood. juga menyiapkan beberapa paket antara lain :

Paket Ultah Happy
Paket lengkap produk GarudaFood untuk pesta yang penuh kejutan! ( 3 Pcs LEO Keripik Kentang, 1 Pcs Pilus Kapsul, 1 Pcs Pilus Sapi Panggang, 1 Pcs Kacang Telur, 1 Pcs GarudaKid, 1 Pcs Gery Wafelatos, 1 Pcs Gery Messes, 1 Pcs Gery Chocolatos, 1 Pcs Gery Pasta, 1 Pcs Gery Salut Hazlenut, 1 Pcs Gery Piramid, 1 Pcs Gery 'O Donut, 5 Pcs Ting-ting, 1 Pcs Gery Cokluut, 1 Pcs Gery Chocolate, 1 Pcs Clevo, 1 Pcs Koko Drink, 1 Pcs Jelly Drink, GRATIS Kartu Undangan + Topi + Balon)

Rp. 15.000,- / paket
Minimal Order : 50

Paket Ultah Ceria
Kegembiraan yang enggak ada abisnya dengan paket Ceria! (2 Pcs LEO Keripik kentang, 1 Pcs Pilus, 1 Pcs Kacang Telor, 1 Pcs GarudaKid, 1 Pcs Gery Cokluut, 1 Pcs Chocolatos, 1 Pcs Gery Pasta, 1 Pcs Piramid, 1 Pcs Gery 'O Donut, 1 Pcs Gery Salut Hazlenut, 1 Pcs Gery Messes, 1 Pcs Clevo, 1 Pcs Okky Jelly, GRATIS Topi + Kartu Undangan, GRATIS Topi + Kartu Undangan + Balon (Minimum Order 100 Paket) )

Rp. 10.000,- / paket
Minimal Order : 50

Lihat deh, untuk meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood ga perlu mahal kan? Bayangkan, apabila anda membeli sendiri paket ulang tahun seperti di atas di toko tidak akan mendapatkannya dengan harga semurah di atas. Betul kan?

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Basics of Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a program of cooperation that sponsors advertising on the Internet by Google, the Search Engine's largest and most influential on the planet. Through its AdSense program, the owner of the web / blocks have already registered and received your account number (ID) can put an ad unit on their website with form and ad materials have been determined by Google. Website owners who have adsense ads (usually called publiser) will earn a commission or income from every click made by visitors to the website. This system is known as PPC (Pay Per Click), which translates think - think paid for every click made by visitors to the website.

Business is currently a favorite Adsense earnings on the Internet. Because Learning Adsense is actually relatively easy to learn compared to other online earning. Many variations Adsense ads (ads) because it is a pioneer program PPC (Pay Per Click) system with contextual ads, or in other words the Adsense ads are inserted on the website conform to the content on the website.

In addition to providing advertising with PPC system (AdSense for Content), Google Adsense also provides Adsense for search (Adsense for Search) and referral ads (Referrals). In the Adsense for Search, website owners can install the search box (Search Box) on their site. Website owners get revenue for each search conducted visitors through the search box, which continues to click on ads that are on the search results. In Refferal, website owners will receive an income after clicking on an ad has run on certain actions by visitors who have been determined between Google and advertisers.

To understand Adsense more information, please download the module Adsense Free!

Glossary - Glossary of AdSense


Publisher is the person or website owner who has joined and been approved Google Adsense and can put AdSense ads on his website

Ad Units

Ad Units are adsense ads itself. Ads unit consists of several types and sizes. The most common type of ad text. When visitors click on these ads, so if valid (legitimate) the publisher will earn revenue in accordance with the CPC values ​​its

Link Units

Link Units format similar to the regular menu we encountered on the website - the website. When visitors click on these ads, it will be directed to the search engine result pages of Google. New publisher will earn revenue when visitors click on one ad unit that is posted on these.

Adsense for Contente

Adsense for Content is installed adsense ads on a page. Ads are ads that appear related to the content or commonly referred to as Contextual Ad

Public Service Ads

Advertising does not always appear on the adsense for content. This is because the advertising inventory relating to the website is up, or Google can not predict the content of the website. So by default that is displayed is public service ads or by other names PSA (Public Service Ads). Because type of donations, so if clicked by visitors, publishers do not get anything.


Channels are labels that can be given to the ad units, link units and adsense for search. One ad unit may have more than one label, and instead one can use more than one ad unit. In Google Adsense report, the report will be grouped by channels, so the use of channels facilitate adsense publishers to analyze their performance. Maximum number of channels that are allowed at this time is 200 channels.

Page Impression

Page Impression is the number that shows how many times a page is an ad unitsnya opened by visitors.


Click is the number of clicks on the publisher's ad units. In the report Adsense, publishers can see that she has received a total clicks

CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR is the ratio in percent between the number of clicks received a number of display ads ads units with these units. For example, one ad units are displayed 40 times and clicked 10 times has a CTR of 25% (10 / 4 X 100%)

CPC (Cost Per Click)

The CPC is the total amount of revenue would be generated if the publisher at the click of a specific ad units. CPC values ​​of each - each different ad units and is determined by many factors, including performance and quality of content on the website.

eCPM (Effective CPM)

eCPM or CPM (Cost Per Million) is the result of the division between the amount of revenue the publisher with the number of page impressions (per 1,000) which he got from the ads - ads.


Google Adsense adalah program kerja sama periklanan di Internet yang disponsori oleh Google, Search Engine terbesar dan paling berpengaruh di planet ini. Melalui program Adsense ini, pemilik web/blok yang sudah mendaftar dan mendapat account (nomor ID) dapat memasang unit iklan pada website mereka dengan bentuk dan materi iklan sudah ditentukan oleh Google. Pemilik website yang ada iklan adsense nya(biasanya disebut Publiser) akan memperoleh komisi atau pemasukan dari setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung website. Sistem ini dikenal sebagai PPC (Pay Per Click) yang terjemahannya kira – kira dibayar setiap ada klik yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung website.

Bisnis Adsense saat ini menjadi favorite earning di Internet . Karena Belajar Adsense sebetulnya relatif mudah dipelajari dibandingkan dengan Online earning lainnya. Adsense banyak variasi ads (iklannya) karena merupakan pelopor Program PPC (Pay Per Click) dengan sistem contextual ads, atau dengan kata lain iklan Adsense yang terpasang di website menyesuaikan dengan content pada website.

Selain menyediakan iklan dengan sistem PPC (Adsense for Content), Google Adsense juga menyediakan Adsense untuk pencarian (Adsense for Search) dan iklan arahan (Refferal). Pada Adsense for Search, pemilik website dapat memasang kotak pencarian (Search Box) pada situs mereka. Pemilik website mendapat pemasukan untuk setiap pencarian yang dilakukan pengunjung website melalui search box tersebut yang berlanjut pada klik iklan yang terdapat pada hasil pencarian tersebut. Pada Refferal, pemilik website akan menerima pemasukan setelah klik pada iklan tersebut berlanjut pada tindakan tertentu oleh pengunjung yang telah ditentukan antara Google dengan pemasang iklan tersebut.

Untuk memahami Adsense lebih lanjut, silahkan download Modul Adsense Gratis !

Istilah – Istilah Dasar AdSense


Publisher adalah orang atau pemilik website yang sudah bergabung dan disetujui Google Adsense dan bisa memasang iklan AdSense di website nya

Ad Units

Ad Units adalah iklan adsense itu sendiri. Ads unit terdiri dari beberapa jenis dan ukuran. Yang paling umum adalah jenis iklan teks. Pada saat pengunjung meng klik iklan ini , maka bila valid (sah) publisher akan memperoleh pendapatan sesuai dengan nilai CPC nya

Link Units

Link Units formatnya hampir sama dengan menu yang biasa kita temui di website – website. Pada saat pengunjung meng klik iklan ini, maka akan diarahkan pada halaman hasil pencarian search engine Google. Publisher baru akan memperoleh pendapatan jika pengunjung meng klik salah satu ad unit yang ada dihalaman tersebut .

Adsense for Content

Adsense for Content adalah iklan adsense yang dipasang di suatu halaman. Iklan yang muncul adalah iklan yang berhubungan dengan isi tersebut atau biasa disebut dengan istilah Contextual Ad

Public Service Ads

Iklan tidak selalu muncul pada adsense for content. Ini disebabkan karena stok iklan yang berhubungan dengan website sudah habis atau Google tidak dapat memperkirakan isi website tersebut. Maka secara default yang ditampilkan adalah iklan layanan masyarakat atau dengan nama lain PSA (Public Service Ads). Karena bertipe donasi, maka apabila diklik oleh pengunjung, publisher tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.


Channels adalah label yang dapat diberikan pada ad units, link units dan adsense for search. Satu unit iklan dapat memiliki lebih dari satu label, dan sebaliknya satu dapat digunakan lebih dari satu unit iklan. Pada laporan Google Adsense, hasil laporan akan dikelompokkan berdasarkan channels, sehingga penggunaan channels mempermudah publisher untuk menganalisa performa adsense mereka. Maksimum jumlah channel yang diperbolehkan saat ini adalah 200 channels.

Page Impression

Page Impression adalah jumlah yang menunjukkan berapa kali halaman yang ada ad unitsnya di buka oleh pengunjung.


Click adalah jumlah klik pada ad units milik publisher. Pada laporan Adsense, publisher dapat melihat total klik yang ia dapatkan

CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR adalah perbandingan dalam persen antara jumlah klik yang diterima suatu ads units dengan jumlah tampilan ads unit tersebut. Misal, satu ad units yang ditampilkan 40 kali dan di klik 10 kali memiliki CTR 25 % (10/4 X 100%)

CPC (Cost Per Click)

CPC adalah jumlah jumlah pendapatan yang akan dihasilkan publisher apabila ad units tertentu di klik. Nilai CPC masing – masing ad units berbeda dan ditentukan banyak faktor, termasuk performa dan kualitas content di website.

eCPM (Effective CPM)

eCPM atau CPM (Cost Per Million) adalah hasil pembagian antar jumlah pendapatan publisher dengan jumlah impressi halaman (per 1.000) yang ia dapatkan dari iklan – iklannya.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

What's Wrong

what's wrong with my blog, sometimes can be accessed at times can not be accessed, padalah all the settings are correct and nothing is wrong. but why still the error of my blog.

hopefully after this post my blog back to normal, can be accessed smoothly and no errors again forever.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Contact Us

Bulpen Corporation is a site that created to share all information to all visitors of the site BulPen Corporation.

BulPen Corporation created on the 2nd of february 2011 by Akhmad Nur Prasetya Ginanjar a.k.a Anjar Putra Samudra.

BulPen Corporation contact :
e-mail :
phone : +62 85626 43124
facebook : ( )
twitter :

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

About BulPen Corporation

Bulpen Corporation is a site that created to share all information to all visitors of the site BulPen Corporation.

BulPen Corporation created on the 2nd of february 2011 by Akhmad Nur Prasetya Ginanjar a.k.a Anjar Putra Samudra.

BulPen Corporation will share any information about any updated information to all visitors to the site

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

how to create a sitemap in google webmaster tools

Good morning guys. now i will try to share tips to add sitemap in google webmaster tools.

step by step:
1. Come in here
2. Having seen the view, fill in the address of your blog and select create blogger, and will be out look like this:

3. Next copy and paste the part that I mark the red color into your webmaster.
4. Log webmaster, sitemap, and paste the code above, select submit sitemap
5. Wait a minute and a sitemap of your blog is ready

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Get 1,953,125 backlink with MLB (Multi Level Backlink)

In this article I would like to invite you all to try to take advantage of the virulence factors time and speed the spread of this in the form of a backlink.

How very easy. That you need to do is put the links below in your blog or article:

1. Google
2. Facebook
3. Kaskus
4. OkeZone
5. Detik
6. Google Mail
7. BulPen Mail
8. M A P S
9. B P C
10. BulPen Corporation

But remember, before you put the link above, you must remove the number 1 from the list. So that all participants increased 1 level. Before the number 2 be number 1, number 3 be number 2, and so on. Link and enter your own in the bottom number (10).

examples of the above rules

1. Facebook
2. Kaskus
3. OkeZone
4. Detik
5. Google Mail
6. BulPen Mail
7. M A P S
8. B P C
9. BulPen Corporation
10. enter your

If each participant is able to take only 5 people, the number of backlink that will be is

When you position 10, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, the number of backlink = 5
Position 8, the number of backlink = 25
Position 7, the number of backlink = 125
position 6, the number of backlink = 625
Position 5, the number of backlink = 3.125
Position 4, the number of backlink = 15.625
Position 3, the number of backlink = 78.125
Position 2, the number of backlink = 390.625
Position 1, the number of backlink = 1,953,125.

And all use keywords that you want. From an SEO you have to get 1,953,125 backlink and side effects associated with the web visitor, if your visitor click on the link downline that, you also get additional traffic.

So, please copy and paste the code below this article, and add a link your blog / website in position 10. Remember, you have to start from position 10 for maximum results. Because if you suddenly in position 1, then the link will disappear once you have the entrance to the position 10.

Copy and Paste This Code to Your Blog/Website

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

How to make hidden guestbook

A. Creating a Guest Book

1. Create an account at a site such as a free guest book in Soutmix or Cbox
2. get html code of the guest book

B. Featured Books By Float

1. Login to Blogger
2. click design
3. click add gadgets
4. select add html code
5. enter the following code

6. replace the words "enter your html code" with your guestbook html code
7. click save
8. Guest book will appear to the right of your blog

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

advantage from facebook

Facebook? almost impossible if a student does not have a facebook account. Facebook also a means of communication and social networking the most widely used man throughout the world.

Facebook also allows us to communicate with our friends of different countries, with facebook also we sometimes can find our old friends who have not been met and the communication can be found in this largest social networking site.

Facebook also be used for means of gathering in cyberspace and it could be to attach an advertisement that we want to sell outlets to be known to people all over the world.

Some that I wrote above are some of the benefits of social networking sites the biggest and most popular in the world that is facebook, actually there are a lot of benefit from facebook, and actually also a lot also lack the social networking site facebook, to be discussed in another article.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is the only university in Indonesia that his achievement recognized by UNESCO as a private college model of private entrepreneurs.

As a student I was quite proud because it can go to college and study in one of the best universities in Indonesia that is
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta which has received numerous awards both national and international awards.

For now STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta are heading as a Research University in Indonesia, with the holding of the research by lecturers and students.

Some time ago STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta also has conducted an activity to make a record that in the note by the museum's record Indonesia (MURI) with the holding of a degree by students STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta 2011 with the 253 student-made works of ITC
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

table of contens

how to setting background music in blogger

Here are the steps

1. Log into your blogger account
2.When dashboard designs Open
3. in the draft you have to add gadgets
4.setelah the SELECT (HTML / JavaScript)
5. paste the following code


<script type="text/javascript">
function get_mimeType(filepath) {
var theExtension = filepath.substr(filepath.lastIndexOf('.')+1, 3);

case "m3u":
mimeType = "audio/mpegurl";
///mimeType = "audio/x-mpegurl";
case "asx":
mimeType = "video/x-ms-asf";
case "asf":
mimeType = "video/x-ms-asf";
case "wax":
mimeType = "audio/x-ms-wax";
case "wvx":
mimeType = "video/x-ms-wvx";
case "pls":
mimeType = "audio/x-scpls";
case "smil":
mimeType = "application/smil";
case "smi":
mimeType = "application/smil";
case "wav":
mimeType = "audio/x-wav";
case "aif":
mimeType = "audio/x-aiff";
case "wma":
mimeType = "audio/x-ms-wma";
case "mid":
mimeType = "audio/mid";
case "mp3":
mimeType = "audio/mpeg";
case "aac":
mimeType = "audio/aac";
case "m4u":
mimeType = "video/x-mpegurl";
case "mp4":
mimeType = "video/x-mpeg";
case "wmv":
mimeType = "video/x-ms-wmv";
case "ogg":
mimeType = "application/ogg";
case "ra":
mimeType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
case "ram":
mimeType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
case "rm":
mimeType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
mimeType = "application/x-mplayer2";
return mimeType;

var visitorOS;
// Get Operating System
var isWin = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") != -1
if (isWin) {
} else {
var filepath = "";
var width = "0";
var height = "0";
var bgcolor="#000000";
var autostart ="1";
var autoplay="true";
var loop = "true";
var PlayCount = "1000";
var volume = "100";

var mimeType = "audio/mpeg";
var objTypeTag = "application/x-mplayer2";
mimeType = get_mimeType(filepath);
if (visitorOS != "Windows") {
objTypeTag = mimeType;
var htmlPlayer = "";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<object width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='src' value='" + filepath + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='type' value='" + objTypeTag + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='autostart' value='" + autostart + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='showcontrols' value='1'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='showstatusbar' value='1'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='loop' value='" + loop + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<param name='volume' value='" + volume + "'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "<embed src ='" + filepath + "' type='" + objTypeTag + "' autoplay='" + autoplay + "' autostart='" + autostart + "' width='" + width + "' height='" + height + "' controller='1' showstatusbar='1' PlayCount ='" + PlayCount + "' volume='" + volume + "' loop='" + loop + "' bgcolor='" + bgcolor + "' kioskmode='true'>";
htmlPlayer = htmlPlayer + "</embed></object>";
document.writeln (htmlPlayer);
// -->


NOTE: Signs (==========) not enter

6. Well after the above code is copied
Note the red colored text
There you should enter the url address download mp3
For example:

7. Once finished they will check the URL address CLICK SAVE

Record Of a Rebel

Silent waiting time
Without realizing it I counted beats seconds elapsed
I hope his husky voice was heard again
But maybe I've been away from the mosque
Since I left
Ask will they always be approached
Are they waiting there
Or laugh hope I did not come back?

Why I can not entirely pessimistic on them?
Is it because I still hope tuk presumed to exist?
Orsip the world because it is too long
Makes me insensitive? Numb?

Not the slightest thought of challenging the law of God
I just do not want too be judged
Step wrong, I know one way
I just tried to run after a dream

If my death should not decide for yourself
at least
Let me be in this world that I put myself

I know the wrong road, wrong step
sorry, let me take that decision

Scorpions - Always Somewhere

Arrive at seven the place feels good
No time to call you today
Encores till eleven then Chinese food
Back to the hotel again

I call your number the line ain't free
I like to tell you come to me
A night without you seems like a lost dream
Love I can't tell you how I feel

Always somewhere
Miss you where I've been
I'll be back to love you again

Another morning another place
The only day off is far away
But every city has seen me in the end
And brings me to you again

Always somewhere
Miss you where I've been
I'll be back to love you again

Air Suplly - Good Bye

I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life

I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye
There's nothing left to try now it's gonna hurt us both
it's no other way than to say goodbye
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me


Along the path from every nook and cranny
Becomes a witness in whole your lifetime
She is a little girl sets down
Reaching the dream, unreachable hope

In your young age, death came to you
Because a sick stranger
Took away vibrator in your virginity
You’re holding your pain for so long

Oo Rosario, a girl lives on the street
Met someone as if he was a god
But in fact he was only a monster

Oo Rosario, your pain can be felt by millions of people
Oo Rosario, your scream reverberated in the world
Oo Rosario, we are shouting the fight

Millions of Children

There are million of children in this world
Not all of them live in prosperity
Being hurt more and more
Forgotten by the country which is supposed to protect them

Should we just watch without taking action?
Let’s hold them

Thousand of them
have been grabbed from their place
by giant hands
Sparkled with glamour of city life

Should we just watch without taking action?
Let’s hold them

The children are restrained all their life time
They must work
Spread all over states

Tortured by rich people, the mafia
Should we just watch without taking action?
Demand this country to protect them
Keep fighting
to reach a happy life

I’m Scared

In the midst of loneliness
Desert winds blow often
Forming a shadow
The face of the night is hidden
The wave brings death

Greeting Time
As long as a child’s gaze
Their souls lost
Without song melodies
Children’s games covered in blood

Where is the world
That sung me lullabies
In the hands of laughter
Following the turning of the earth around the sun
As little images full of imagination

Now thick smoke covers humanity
Drawing thunder and opening deep wounds
Scratching the anxiety of unsettled souls
We should fight together


A little child crouching alone
In an instant losing an entire family
Everything is gone, destroyed by an angry sea
In the midst of chaos searching for brothers and sisters
Haunted by the hands of evil

The news is heard throughout the world
Now responsibility of the children constantly change hands
Ripped from their roots, far from their native land
Cursed, they search for chances
That’s the work of the mafia


Why He's Silence, Why He's Still ...
Why All the Silent ...
See Oppression, injustice ...
In Indonesia ...
What We Need to Awaken the Bung Karno ... (No Need)
What We Need to Awaken the Bung Hatta ... (No Need)
What We Need to Generate Tomo ... (No Need)
Or Our Own ... ... ... Moves

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

eset Nod32 Antivirus,eset nod32 smart security username and password Update Serial Keys of 10 february

Username: EAV-41156856
Password: f38asp2cxt
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40920329
Password: 3pa54s4rcu
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40920330
Password: dvfb4k4×4b
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40841065
Password: rv725d8j53
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-39130791
Password: p2phuek5mv
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

eset Nod32 Antivirus,eset nod32 smart security username and password Update Serial Keys of 8 february

Username: EAV-39047285
Password: d5heehcjt4
Expiry Date: 15.06.2011

Username: EAV-39057053
Password: t34bpujrju
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39058247
Password: ds8fjhtfjc
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39058255
Password: n6mf3krx5p
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103931
Password: 7cx76ph75u
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103939
Password: hpd7ksepma
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103941
Password: pdd5emrdn5
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103942
Password: 4jkaeerkdj
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103944
Password: 88k6aa3bed
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103946
Password: evk355c2f8
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103959
Password: 3fpebdks8r
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Unique Visitor Tracking

Most websites incorporate a simple hit counter. A hit counter is a piece of code embedded in a web page which tracks visitors. These simple versions merely tell the web master that someone has visited. Most web pages have hit counters installed, so that the owners can see how popular the site is. Once set up, these counters will be incremented by one every time the web page is accessed in a web browser.

But is using a simple hit counter a true measure of the visitors to your website. If someone visits your web page several times, he is counted as 7 visitors. If someone downloads 5 pieces of information from your site, he is counted as 5 visitors. If a person visits a site a hundred times in a month, he is counted as 100 visitors. What is really needed is a Unique Visitor Tracker.

When tracking the amount of traffic to a Web site, a unique visitor refers to a person who visits a Web site more than once within a specified period of time. The Unique Visitor Tracker, which tracks and counts Web site traffic, can distinguish between visitors who only visit the site once and unique visitors who return to the site. Different from a site’s hits or page views — which are measured by the number of files that are requested from a site — unique visitors are measured according to their real unique IP addresses, which are like online fingerprints, and unique visitors are counted only once no matter how many times they visit the site.

If a person visits a site a hundred times in a month, they are still counted as a single unique visitor.

The Unique Visitor Tracker, tracks your visitors based on their real IP address. This is not the same as counting Hits. The difference between a hit and a visit is that a hit is counted each time a page is refreshed. It means if you visit a page 10 times in a single visit, this will count like 10 people visited the page. However, if the user’s IP is tracked and stored into a database, when he refreshes the page, the count will remain the same – because the visitor’s IP already exists in the database. Some people have dynamic IPs, but this is okay since it changes every time they reconnect, which can be once a day or so – the unique count can still be trusted.

Tracking visitors who are unique to your website gives you an idea of the amount of traffic you are receiving to your website. Tracking also provides a data on the performance of your website across the web and its ability to attract new visitors to it.

The unique visitor tracking method is good because it shows a business website how many potential customers they have browsing the site. This number is much more beneficial to a business, as opposed to hits.

How to Get USA Unique Visitors With Blog Comments

If you are short in cash, but have plenty of time to promote your web-site, consider using blog comments to attract unique visitors to your site.

Generating traffic through blog comments has many advantages. It is not only cheap, but it can be used to generate targeted traffic. First, since blogs are on a specific topic, your comments will generate unique visitors interested on this topic. A second way of targeting is the geo-targeting. If you need or want USA unique visitors, you can place your comments on USA related blogs.

However, before you start spreading your word all over the internet, there are some points and pitfalls that you should take into consideration. The central principle is that it is not about quantity, but actually about quality.

First, never ever engage into SPAM. Don’t use any automatic tool to place comments in thousands blogs. Major search engines know that some people are doing this and this costs many points in their ratings. Your target should also be getting targeted traffic, remember? You want USA unique visitors interested on a specific topic.

Make only relevant comments. Otherwise it will not work. People can spot at miles a spammy non-relevant comment and they won’t click any of these links. So, be sure of adding relevant information to a blog.

Choose carefully the blogs, according to keywords, topics and everything. Traffic is not only about quantity, but also about quality. You want targeted traffic that matches your site. Specially if you are selling something, there is no point in attracting random traffic to your web-site. It will only cost you a couple of cents to pay your hosting for this extra traffic, however, if you want to sell your site some day, you will see that media buyers evaluate carefully the type of traffic that you are getting.

Choose a personal tone to your comments. Blogs are friendly family places where private people exchange knowledge informally. Try to think about anecdotes or to include your personal experience on your comment. You should convince people that you have been there and seen it.

Be discreet placing a link. There is no point in adding that you know a much better resource than a specific blog and then placing a link to your web-site. Bloggers also monitor comments to their blogs and they would surely remove anything that seems irrelevant, spammy or offensive. Try to see other bloggers as your friends, since they are providing some free service to you. That is, they are giving you the possibility of placing an ad on their site.

And finally, to complete your internet marketing strategy, use relevant keywords on your comment s so that search engines will associate your site to specific keywords. That means that your site will not only get more visitors, those who clicked directly the link, but your web-site will also get a higher ranking in SE.

10 Effective Seo Design Tips To Impress Both Website Visitors And Search Engines

If you are professional with your search engine optimization efforts and keep your customer in mind before you start considering “what the search engines will think” you will reap a lot more than what you sow. Chances are, if your visitors like your website, there is a very good likelihood that the search engines will like it too.

With this in mind the following 10 tips focus on how to develop your website with your visitors in mind whilst also conducting effective search engine optimization activities.

1. Pick appropriate keyword phrases

This is the single most important thing to do when it comes to optimizing your website for search engines. The words and phrases that your potential customers type into the major search engines are the keywords your site should be using within the specific areas of your webpage (see below; Optimizing your Page Titles and Optimizing your Content). There are a number of useful keyword research tools available on the web such as Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery (both offer trial versions).

However, if you want to find out accurate figures of how many people are searching for your targeted keywords per week/month/year run a Google Adwords and/or Overture campaign and you will get extremely accurate figures of search engine traffic whilst (hopefully) generating income that will pay for your research.

2. Optimize every page on your website

Optimizing each webpage is overlooked by so many websites and can be the difference between competing for a highly competitive keyword phrase such as “Irish Hotels” on your home page and competing for a much less competitive keyword phrase such as “Hotels in County Galway” on another relevant landing page. After that they can check out the rest of your website that is all about “Irish Hotels”.

3. Optimizing your Page Titles

All of the major search engines have 100′s of different algorithms that compute where your webpage should be listed for different keyword searches. Putting your keywords within the title description tag of your pages is one of the most important SEO techniques and will help your website climb through the rankings and allow your visitors to remember exactly what your page is all about when they save it to their “favorites”.

4. Optimizing your Page Content

It is sometimes very difficult to write content for your website. Not only do you need to put the information you want the visitor to see in front of them in an easy-to-read style, you also have to keep in mind the keywords your page is targeting so that you can rank better within search engines.

One of the best pieces of advice I have come across is to write for your visitors and include the keywords as much as makes sense. Read what you have written out loud to yourself and a few others. If it sounds stupid… lather, rinse, and repeat.

5. Create an inbound linking strategy

Submitting your site to website and article directories is a very beneficial way to drive targeted traffic to your website.

Links within these sites not only brings visitors to your website, but search engine “spiders” are easily able find your website and index your pages within their results. If your site doesn’t have a link pointing to it on the World Wide Web the search engines will never find it and you will never see any traffic from Google or the other big ones.

6. Descriptively labeling your links and images (aka the anchor text)

This technique is both common sense and good practice. Telling your visitors what the link that they are going to click on allows them to know exactly what they are going to be directed to. Saying “click here” is not enough to help them understand what they’re going to find once they click through. Be as descriptive as possible with every text and graphical link on your site. When writing your anchor text and alt attributes you can almost always describe the page you’re pointing to by using its main keyword phrase which is a major factor that search engines take into account when it comes to ranking your web pages.

7. Make sure your site is spider-friendly

Your website may look fantastic. You and your web designer may be talented graphic designers who can make Flash and JavaScript dazzle your visitors with a show that would put Michael Flatley and his River Dance to shame. However, if your website contains Flash and Javascript it’s important to know that search engine spiders have difficulty reading this code (or appreciate the effort you put into the design). The way around this is to provide navigation alternatives such as static links and a site map to allow the spiders crawl deep within your website and index the web pages within their results. Overuse of Flash, JavaScript, and images can also lead to your web pages being very slow to download. If these file types are used sparingly your visitors and search engines will appreciate your efforts a lot more.

8. Create Fresh Content

When you are optimizing your website properly you will see a trend. If you are doing something that benefits your websites visitors then the search engines will reward you for it.

Blogs and forums are effective and easy ways of adding new information to your site on a regular basis. However, if your only purpose of setting up a blog or a forum is for better search engine rankings then there really is no point in doing it. Only add a forum if it contributes something beneficial to your website and if you have the traffic to make it interactive enough for visitors to return to it. And, only add a blog if you have something of interest to say on a regular basis. Once you have your blog and/or forum up-and-running you should optimize them with the same professionalism you do with any other page on your website.

9. Do not think that you can trick Search Engines

As noted before, “If you are doing something that benefits your websites visitors then the search engines will reward you for it”.

If you try to trick the search engines by hiding keyword phrases, joining link farms, or any other sneaky practice your sites will be removed from the search engines and it will take you a long time to get back in (and you will also have to spend more time cleaning up your website before they will accept you).

10. Offer something unique

If your website offers something that is unique and interesting to your target market and it is properly optimized (by applying all of the techniques listed above) you will not only rank well within the major search engines, you will also get the added benefit of people linking to your website in forums, blogs, and through other websites which will send your site more visitors and create more inbound links which will help it rank higher.

Remember it’s human visitors that you are trying to impress, not search engine robots.

Barry Fenning is the owner of Website Promotion Articles The articles available on this website are suitable for people that want to learn how to conduct effective SEO campaigns. Please include this bio for article reproduction permission.

How to Write for Web Visitors AND Search Engines

Visualize your site achieving top search engine results.
Now imagine the wonder you would feel if your well-ranked website’s copy jumped off the screen, lodging itself in the mind of each site visitor, and unconsciously causing every one of them to take the action YOU want them to take.
Think it’s rocket science?
Think again.
In fact, you’re reading an example of this type of writing now. If you want to know how you can please the search engines AND your site visitors at the same time with your website copy writing, read on.
Writing for site visitors or writing for search engines is certainly not mutually exclusive.
If your Web page isn’t seen by potential site visitors in the first place by ranking poorly in the engines, it’ll never be read. But . . . if it’s only optimized for the engines and doesn’t read well, people will click away without taking action.
I want to achieve both and I bet you do too.
After reading this, you will understand how to write in a style that greatly pleases the search engines, resulting in vastly improved rankings AND at the same time, causes people to take the action you want. The action is usually to buy something or fill out a form.

How Your Copy Appears:
First let’s briefly consider the layout of your copy. Because if you want people to stay on your site, read your copy and take an action, the copy has to be very easy to read on a computer screen.
It’s simple really. Just use lots of white space. See how so far my ‘paragraphs’ are very, very short? Sometimes it’s just a few words. You ought to do the same. You can further break up your writing using sub-headings, bolded words, lists, bullets and boxes. See how I made the box above? Anything in a box will get read, and it’s a great way to create white space.
Avoid big blocks of text at all costs.
The key to successfully formatting your Web copy writing is to make it as easy as possible for people to scan and skim through your text.
People skim online copy, so the more you break it up and make the important stuff stand out, the better.
Next, always remember who you are writing for. Hold a vision of your reader in your head as you write. Choose and combine your words in a way that speaks directly to each reader as if you’re just having a conversation with them alone. Write like you talk.
Here are my other top copy writing guidelines:
• Use the word ‘You’. Don’t write about yourself or your organization. No one cares.
• Use an active voice, not passive. Use action verbs often and well.
• Appeal to people’s emotions.
• Appeal to as many of the senses as possible. Paint a picture.
• As your grammar school English teacher constantly preached, “Show, not tell.”
• Use stories to illustrate your theme. People relate to and remember stories.
• Describe how you can make your reader’s life easier or better.
• Actually ask them to buy (or fill out the form) in your sales copy.
• Always describe the benefits and not the features (features tend to bore people to tears).
• Edit your work at the end to ensure it says what you want in the simplest and briefest way.
• Buy ‘Hypnotic Writing’ by Joe Vitale. I used some of his ideas in this article. Great book, thanks Joe!
The search engine algorithms today, especially Google’s, are now getting so sophisticated that the line that separates good search engine copy and good people copy is becoming very blurred. In other words, the better you write in general, the better that writing will get ranked in the search engines anyway, all other things being equal.
Keep in mind that a large part of what makes a page rank well is made up of off-page factors, meaning the links and anchor text that point to your website have a big part in determining your site’s rank. But on-page factors such as your copy writing for example play an important role too.
So you’re writing to get ranked well, to convert visitors into customers or list members and to attract inbound links. As you write, keep these three important goals in mind.
On-Page Writing that Please Search Engines:
Think of each page of your website as its own one-page school essay. If you remember back to English class your teacher would ask you to write an essay and be sure to determine in advance what the theme, or thesis, of the essay was going to be. One theme per essay and that’s what the essay was “about”.
When it comes to Web pages, think in terms of themes too, but condensed down to a keyword phrase. Each page on your site should have one main keyword phrase that sums up the entire page. This is the phrase for which you want the page to rank well.
When you sit down to write copy for a particular page, first determine what its theme is going to be and then reduce that down to a descriptive and succinct keyword phrase.
For example, if you determine that the theme for the page is ‘all the chairs we sell in our furniture store are listed on this page with prices and descriptions’. The keyword phrase for this could be ‘wooden chairs with prices’.
Again, get inside the heads of the potential people you want visiting and buying from you and really try to determine what keyword phrases they would choose to type into a search engine to find the particular page you’re creating.
Before you even start writing website copy the first step is to determine the page’s main theme using a keyword phrase and then make a list of related words and phrases.
Grab some paper and a pen or open up Notepad and begin to create a list of these keyword phrases. Phrases that are two to five words in length are best.
Next, use an online keyword tool to find variations and add the good ones to your ever-growing list. The best tool in my opinion is Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool.
Now that Google’s Instant is live you can also simply begin typing a phrase into the search bar and a drop down box will appear suggesting ways to finish the phrase for you. Use some of these hints as well.
Now you ought to have an excellent list of a words and phrases that are related to your main keyword phrase.
The idea then is to weave the words and phrases on your list into your website copy.
Think of it this way. While you’re writing for your site visitor, while you’re using the rules I spelled out in the bullet list above, try to use the related words and phrases from your list. Furthermore, use synonyms, antonyms, stemming, plurals, and various tenses, contextual words, supporting vocabulary and modifiers as well.
Let’s look at an example. If the main keyword phrase of my page is ‘antique wooden chair prices’ then here’s a possible list I would come up with first:
Aged, historic, old-fashioned, traditional, old wood chairs, antique rocking chairs, wooden chairs, seats, old seating, antique oak furniture, antique pine furniture, refurbished chairs, dining room furniture, tables, wood, cherry, pricing, affordable, cost, for sale, on sale, how much do wooden chairs cost
Get the idea?
So here’s my try at using words and phrase from the list in my copy.
Looking for old wooden chairs or wondering how much antique wooden chairs cost online?
Below you will find pricing for historic yet affordable antique pine, oak and cherry chairs.
Imagine finding the perfect old-fashioned chair with which to compliment your house.
Take in the intricate carvings and woodwork as you approach it. Feel the polished oak wood arm rests in your hands as you lower yourself onto the magnificent aged seat. Then hear your house guests compliment you on such a glorious and rare find that you had the good taste to buy.
You will find that our furniture return policy guarantees that you’re taking no risk when purchasing antique wooden chairs from us.
And you’ll notice that every chair we list below has an associated price.
Click the ‘Buy Now’ button and after a couple more clicks, you’ll have one of our famous antique wooden chairs shipped directly to your home in no time.
Not only will this sales copy appeal to readers, it will please Google too.
With people in mind, I used the word ‘you’ a lot. I appealed to their senses and their emotions, explained how it would improve their life and outright told them to buy now. I showed how buying a chair could make their lives a little better and explained how easy it is to accomplish.
With search engines in mind I made sure that almost every word and phrase supports the theme of ‘antique wooden chair prices’. And I have used lots of synonyms (antique, aged, old fashioned, historic), stemming (price, pricing), modifiers (affordable, glorious, magnificent), and contextual and related words (chair, furniture, home, house, woodwork, carvings, arm rests).
It’s important that you write for both search engines and site visitors, and now you know how. By following the layout conventions mentioned above, the copy writing guidelines and the ways to consider the search engines when writing that outlines, you’ll be well on your way to pleasing both your visitors and search engines.

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