Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

eset Nod32 Antivirus,eset nod32 smart security username and password Update Serial Keys of 10 february

Username: EAV-41156856
Password: f38asp2cxt
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40920329
Password: 3pa54s4rcu
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40920330
Password: dvfb4k4×4b
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-40841065
Password: rv725d8j53
For versions: ESS / EAV

Username: EAV-39130791
Password: p2phuek5mv
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

eset Nod32 Antivirus,eset nod32 smart security username and password Update Serial Keys of 8 february

Username: EAV-39047285
Password: d5heehcjt4
Expiry Date: 15.06.2011

Username: EAV-39057053
Password: t34bpujrju
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39058247
Password: ds8fjhtfjc
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39058255
Password: n6mf3krx5p
Expiry Date: 16.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103931
Password: 7cx76ph75u
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103939
Password: hpd7ksepma
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103941
Password: pdd5emrdn5
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103942
Password: 4jkaeerkdj
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103944
Password: 88k6aa3bed
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103946
Password: evk355c2f8
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Username: EAV-39103959
Password: 3fpebdks8r
Expiry Date: 17.06.2011

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Unique Visitor Tracking

Most websites incorporate a simple hit counter. A hit counter is a piece of code embedded in a web page which tracks visitors. These simple versions merely tell the web master that someone has visited. Most web pages have hit counters installed, so that the owners can see how popular the site is. Once set up, these counters will be incremented by one every time the web page is accessed in a web browser.

But is using a simple hit counter a true measure of the visitors to your website. If someone visits your web page several times, he is counted as 7 visitors. If someone downloads 5 pieces of information from your site, he is counted as 5 visitors. If a person visits a site a hundred times in a month, he is counted as 100 visitors. What is really needed is a Unique Visitor Tracker.

When tracking the amount of traffic to a Web site, a unique visitor refers to a person who visits a Web site more than once within a specified period of time. The Unique Visitor Tracker, which tracks and counts Web site traffic, can distinguish between visitors who only visit the site once and unique visitors who return to the site. Different from a site’s hits or page views — which are measured by the number of files that are requested from a site — unique visitors are measured according to their real unique IP addresses, which are like online fingerprints, and unique visitors are counted only once no matter how many times they visit the site.

If a person visits a site a hundred times in a month, they are still counted as a single unique visitor.

The Unique Visitor Tracker, tracks your visitors based on their real IP address. This is not the same as counting Hits. The difference between a hit and a visit is that a hit is counted each time a page is refreshed. It means if you visit a page 10 times in a single visit, this will count like 10 people visited the page. However, if the user’s IP is tracked and stored into a database, when he refreshes the page, the count will remain the same – because the visitor’s IP already exists in the database. Some people have dynamic IPs, but this is okay since it changes every time they reconnect, which can be once a day or so – the unique count can still be trusted.

Tracking visitors who are unique to your website gives you an idea of the amount of traffic you are receiving to your website. Tracking also provides a data on the performance of your website across the web and its ability to attract new visitors to it.

The unique visitor tracking method is good because it shows a business website how many potential customers they have browsing the site. This number is much more beneficial to a business, as opposed to hits.

How to Get USA Unique Visitors With Blog Comments

If you are short in cash, but have plenty of time to promote your web-site, consider using blog comments to attract unique visitors to your site.

Generating traffic through blog comments has many advantages. It is not only cheap, but it can be used to generate targeted traffic. First, since blogs are on a specific topic, your comments will generate unique visitors interested on this topic. A second way of targeting is the geo-targeting. If you need or want USA unique visitors, you can place your comments on USA related blogs.

However, before you start spreading your word all over the internet, there are some points and pitfalls that you should take into consideration. The central principle is that it is not about quantity, but actually about quality.

First, never ever engage into SPAM. Don’t use any automatic tool to place comments in thousands blogs. Major search engines know that some people are doing this and this costs many points in their ratings. Your target should also be getting targeted traffic, remember? You want USA unique visitors interested on a specific topic.

Make only relevant comments. Otherwise it will not work. People can spot at miles a spammy non-relevant comment and they won’t click any of these links. So, be sure of adding relevant information to a blog.

Choose carefully the blogs, according to keywords, topics and everything. Traffic is not only about quantity, but also about quality. You want targeted traffic that matches your site. Specially if you are selling something, there is no point in attracting random traffic to your web-site. It will only cost you a couple of cents to pay your hosting for this extra traffic, however, if you want to sell your site some day, you will see that media buyers evaluate carefully the type of traffic that you are getting.

Choose a personal tone to your comments. Blogs are friendly family places where private people exchange knowledge informally. Try to think about anecdotes or to include your personal experience on your comment. You should convince people that you have been there and seen it.

Be discreet placing a link. There is no point in adding that you know a much better resource than a specific blog and then placing a link to your web-site. Bloggers also monitor comments to their blogs and they would surely remove anything that seems irrelevant, spammy or offensive. Try to see other bloggers as your friends, since they are providing some free service to you. That is, they are giving you the possibility of placing an ad on their site.

And finally, to complete your internet marketing strategy, use relevant keywords on your comment s so that search engines will associate your site to specific keywords. That means that your site will not only get more visitors, those who clicked directly the link, but your web-site will also get a higher ranking in SE.

10 Effective Seo Design Tips To Impress Both Website Visitors And Search Engines

If you are professional with your search engine optimization efforts and keep your customer in mind before you start considering “what the search engines will think” you will reap a lot more than what you sow. Chances are, if your visitors like your website, there is a very good likelihood that the search engines will like it too.

With this in mind the following 10 tips focus on how to develop your website with your visitors in mind whilst also conducting effective search engine optimization activities.

1. Pick appropriate keyword phrases

This is the single most important thing to do when it comes to optimizing your website for search engines. The words and phrases that your potential customers type into the major search engines are the keywords your site should be using within the specific areas of your webpage (see below; Optimizing your Page Titles and Optimizing your Content). There are a number of useful keyword research tools available on the web such as Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery (both offer trial versions).

However, if you want to find out accurate figures of how many people are searching for your targeted keywords per week/month/year run a Google Adwords and/or Overture campaign and you will get extremely accurate figures of search engine traffic whilst (hopefully) generating income that will pay for your research.

2. Optimize every page on your website

Optimizing each webpage is overlooked by so many websites and can be the difference between competing for a highly competitive keyword phrase such as “Irish Hotels” on your home page and competing for a much less competitive keyword phrase such as “Hotels in County Galway” on another relevant landing page. After that they can check out the rest of your website that is all about “Irish Hotels”.

3. Optimizing your Page Titles

All of the major search engines have 100′s of different algorithms that compute where your webpage should be listed for different keyword searches. Putting your keywords within the title description tag of your pages is one of the most important SEO techniques and will help your website climb through the rankings and allow your visitors to remember exactly what your page is all about when they save it to their “favorites”.

4. Optimizing your Page Content

It is sometimes very difficult to write content for your website. Not only do you need to put the information you want the visitor to see in front of them in an easy-to-read style, you also have to keep in mind the keywords your page is targeting so that you can rank better within search engines.

One of the best pieces of advice I have come across is to write for your visitors and include the keywords as much as makes sense. Read what you have written out loud to yourself and a few others. If it sounds stupid… lather, rinse, and repeat.

5. Create an inbound linking strategy

Submitting your site to website and article directories is a very beneficial way to drive targeted traffic to your website.

Links within these sites not only brings visitors to your website, but search engine “spiders” are easily able find your website and index your pages within their results. If your site doesn’t have a link pointing to it on the World Wide Web the search engines will never find it and you will never see any traffic from Google or the other big ones.

6. Descriptively labeling your links and images (aka the anchor text)

This technique is both common sense and good practice. Telling your visitors what the link that they are going to click on allows them to know exactly what they are going to be directed to. Saying “click here” is not enough to help them understand what they’re going to find once they click through. Be as descriptive as possible with every text and graphical link on your site. When writing your anchor text and alt attributes you can almost always describe the page you’re pointing to by using its main keyword phrase which is a major factor that search engines take into account when it comes to ranking your web pages.

7. Make sure your site is spider-friendly

Your website may look fantastic. You and your web designer may be talented graphic designers who can make Flash and JavaScript dazzle your visitors with a show that would put Michael Flatley and his River Dance to shame. However, if your website contains Flash and Javascript it’s important to know that search engine spiders have difficulty reading this code (or appreciate the effort you put into the design). The way around this is to provide navigation alternatives such as static links and a site map to allow the spiders crawl deep within your website and index the web pages within their results. Overuse of Flash, JavaScript, and images can also lead to your web pages being very slow to download. If these file types are used sparingly your visitors and search engines will appreciate your efforts a lot more.

8. Create Fresh Content

When you are optimizing your website properly you will see a trend. If you are doing something that benefits your websites visitors then the search engines will reward you for it.

Blogs and forums are effective and easy ways of adding new information to your site on a regular basis. However, if your only purpose of setting up a blog or a forum is for better search engine rankings then there really is no point in doing it. Only add a forum if it contributes something beneficial to your website and if you have the traffic to make it interactive enough for visitors to return to it. And, only add a blog if you have something of interest to say on a regular basis. Once you have your blog and/or forum up-and-running you should optimize them with the same professionalism you do with any other page on your website.

9. Do not think that you can trick Search Engines

As noted before, “If you are doing something that benefits your websites visitors then the search engines will reward you for it”.

If you try to trick the search engines by hiding keyword phrases, joining link farms, or any other sneaky practice your sites will be removed from the search engines and it will take you a long time to get back in (and you will also have to spend more time cleaning up your website before they will accept you).

10. Offer something unique

If your website offers something that is unique and interesting to your target market and it is properly optimized (by applying all of the techniques listed above) you will not only rank well within the major search engines, you will also get the added benefit of people linking to your website in forums, blogs, and through other websites which will send your site more visitors and create more inbound links which will help it rank higher.

Remember it’s human visitors that you are trying to impress, not search engine robots.

Barry Fenning is the owner of Website Promotion Articles The articles available on this website are suitable for people that want to learn how to conduct effective SEO campaigns. Please include this bio for article reproduction permission.

How to Write for Web Visitors AND Search Engines

Visualize your site achieving top search engine results.
Now imagine the wonder you would feel if your well-ranked website’s copy jumped off the screen, lodging itself in the mind of each site visitor, and unconsciously causing every one of them to take the action YOU want them to take.
Think it’s rocket science?
Think again.
In fact, you’re reading an example of this type of writing now. If you want to know how you can please the search engines AND your site visitors at the same time with your website copy writing, read on.
Writing for site visitors or writing for search engines is certainly not mutually exclusive.
If your Web page isn’t seen by potential site visitors in the first place by ranking poorly in the engines, it’ll never be read. But . . . if it’s only optimized for the engines and doesn’t read well, people will click away without taking action.
I want to achieve both and I bet you do too.
After reading this, you will understand how to write in a style that greatly pleases the search engines, resulting in vastly improved rankings AND at the same time, causes people to take the action you want. The action is usually to buy something or fill out a form.

How Your Copy Appears:
First let’s briefly consider the layout of your copy. Because if you want people to stay on your site, read your copy and take an action, the copy has to be very easy to read on a computer screen.
It’s simple really. Just use lots of white space. See how so far my ‘paragraphs’ are very, very short? Sometimes it’s just a few words. You ought to do the same. You can further break up your writing using sub-headings, bolded words, lists, bullets and boxes. See how I made the box above? Anything in a box will get read, and it’s a great way to create white space.
Avoid big blocks of text at all costs.
The key to successfully formatting your Web copy writing is to make it as easy as possible for people to scan and skim through your text.
People skim online copy, so the more you break it up and make the important stuff stand out, the better.
Next, always remember who you are writing for. Hold a vision of your reader in your head as you write. Choose and combine your words in a way that speaks directly to each reader as if you’re just having a conversation with them alone. Write like you talk.
Here are my other top copy writing guidelines:
• Use the word ‘You’. Don’t write about yourself or your organization. No one cares.
• Use an active voice, not passive. Use action verbs often and well.
• Appeal to people’s emotions.
• Appeal to as many of the senses as possible. Paint a picture.
• As your grammar school English teacher constantly preached, “Show, not tell.”
• Use stories to illustrate your theme. People relate to and remember stories.
• Describe how you can make your reader’s life easier or better.
• Actually ask them to buy (or fill out the form) in your sales copy.
• Always describe the benefits and not the features (features tend to bore people to tears).
• Edit your work at the end to ensure it says what you want in the simplest and briefest way.
• Buy ‘Hypnotic Writing’ by Joe Vitale. I used some of his ideas in this article. Great book, thanks Joe!
The search engine algorithms today, especially Google’s, are now getting so sophisticated that the line that separates good search engine copy and good people copy is becoming very blurred. In other words, the better you write in general, the better that writing will get ranked in the search engines anyway, all other things being equal.
Keep in mind that a large part of what makes a page rank well is made up of off-page factors, meaning the links and anchor text that point to your website have a big part in determining your site’s rank. But on-page factors such as your copy writing for example play an important role too.
So you’re writing to get ranked well, to convert visitors into customers or list members and to attract inbound links. As you write, keep these three important goals in mind.
On-Page Writing that Please Search Engines:
Think of each page of your website as its own one-page school essay. If you remember back to English class your teacher would ask you to write an essay and be sure to determine in advance what the theme, or thesis, of the essay was going to be. One theme per essay and that’s what the essay was “about”.
When it comes to Web pages, think in terms of themes too, but condensed down to a keyword phrase. Each page on your site should have one main keyword phrase that sums up the entire page. This is the phrase for which you want the page to rank well.
When you sit down to write copy for a particular page, first determine what its theme is going to be and then reduce that down to a descriptive and succinct keyword phrase.
For example, if you determine that the theme for the page is ‘all the chairs we sell in our furniture store are listed on this page with prices and descriptions’. The keyword phrase for this could be ‘wooden chairs with prices’.
Again, get inside the heads of the potential people you want visiting and buying from you and really try to determine what keyword phrases they would choose to type into a search engine to find the particular page you’re creating.
Before you even start writing website copy the first step is to determine the page’s main theme using a keyword phrase and then make a list of related words and phrases.
Grab some paper and a pen or open up Notepad and begin to create a list of these keyword phrases. Phrases that are two to five words in length are best.
Next, use an online keyword tool to find variations and add the good ones to your ever-growing list. The best tool in my opinion is Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool.
Now that Google’s Instant is live you can also simply begin typing a phrase into the search bar and a drop down box will appear suggesting ways to finish the phrase for you. Use some of these hints as well.
Now you ought to have an excellent list of a words and phrases that are related to your main keyword phrase.
The idea then is to weave the words and phrases on your list into your website copy.
Think of it this way. While you’re writing for your site visitor, while you’re using the rules I spelled out in the bullet list above, try to use the related words and phrases from your list. Furthermore, use synonyms, antonyms, stemming, plurals, and various tenses, contextual words, supporting vocabulary and modifiers as well.
Let’s look at an example. If the main keyword phrase of my page is ‘antique wooden chair prices’ then here’s a possible list I would come up with first:
Aged, historic, old-fashioned, traditional, old wood chairs, antique rocking chairs, wooden chairs, seats, old seating, antique oak furniture, antique pine furniture, refurbished chairs, dining room furniture, tables, wood, cherry, pricing, affordable, cost, for sale, on sale, how much do wooden chairs cost
Get the idea?
So here’s my try at using words and phrase from the list in my copy.
Looking for old wooden chairs or wondering how much antique wooden chairs cost online?
Below you will find pricing for historic yet affordable antique pine, oak and cherry chairs.
Imagine finding the perfect old-fashioned chair with which to compliment your house.
Take in the intricate carvings and woodwork as you approach it. Feel the polished oak wood arm rests in your hands as you lower yourself onto the magnificent aged seat. Then hear your house guests compliment you on such a glorious and rare find that you had the good taste to buy.
You will find that our furniture return policy guarantees that you’re taking no risk when purchasing antique wooden chairs from us.
And you’ll notice that every chair we list below has an associated price.
Click the ‘Buy Now’ button and after a couple more clicks, you’ll have one of our famous antique wooden chairs shipped directly to your home in no time.
Not only will this sales copy appeal to readers, it will please Google too.
With people in mind, I used the word ‘you’ a lot. I appealed to their senses and their emotions, explained how it would improve their life and outright told them to buy now. I showed how buying a chair could make their lives a little better and explained how easy it is to accomplish.
With search engines in mind I made sure that almost every word and phrase supports the theme of ‘antique wooden chair prices’. And I have used lots of synonyms (antique, aged, old fashioned, historic), stemming (price, pricing), modifiers (affordable, glorious, magnificent), and contextual and related words (chair, furniture, home, house, woodwork, carvings, arm rests).
It’s important that you write for both search engines and site visitors, and now you know how. By following the layout conventions mentioned above, the copy writing guidelines and the ways to consider the search engines when writing that outlines, you’ll be well on your way to pleasing both your visitors and search engines.

Here is your #1 solution to your SEO and Google page ranking questions, 120,000 unique visitors a month!!

I have been doing websites since 1992. I have learned so much about all of the usual basic search engine optimization, key word density, page ranking, and various other technical search engine rules we get bombarded with. We could spend a full time job doing all this search engine optimization. This is just to get your site noticed on the web.

Whew! This really gets overwhelming. Well guess what? There is a piece of software which I have used for many years. The results have been amazing where I have been able build up sites with high quality likeminded traffic of 4000 (you read correct, four thousand) unique visitors to my site DAILY. It brought in over 120,000. Obviously, this does not happen overnight but it can take about six months.

Now imagine the benefits of earning potential on this kind of traffic for your web site? It brought in lots of revenue for me and my company. I used this piece of software to make it happen. It taught be about basic search engine optimization, internet keyword and key phrase research, keywords density, link swapping, and even had the power to submit to over three hundred global sites.

This same software has the ability to analyze your top competitive website and enables you to imitate them so you can directly compete with them to bring in the same level of traffic. I have not yet seen any other web site or piece of software do this. It is amazing indeed!

Honestly, if you want to waste your internet marketing monthly fees on companies who use the same software, you are really on track to bankruptcy. You could use the same software and really deliver the quality of traffic you are looking for. This does not involved spending dollars on ad programs like Google Adwords. It is done naturally and organically. This means you do not spend a nickel after your purchase.

If you need credibility, this software is used by the world leading companies like Ebay, Zurich Insurance, Canon, and Lexmark. It is really solid!!

How To Increase Google Pagerank: Top 3 Factors That Influence Your Site Page Rank

PageRank is a technology used by Google. The method involves an algorithm of link analysis. The search engine puts a numerical value to every elements of a hyperlink set.

PR assigns a numerical value for each page in a web site by taking “votes” from other pages to value the importance of the page.

How to Increase Google Pagerank?

Here are Top Factors that Influence Your Site Page Rank:

1. Attractive Content

The most influential factor in assigning the value is the relevancy of the content in that page. Richer content gives higher number. The rich content means the topic of the site should be specific and it should be well organized. So to gain a high number, you must have such content that will attract the Google crawlers.

2. The Amount of Visitors

The second most important factor is the number of visitors. The total number of visitor influences the page rank. The number increases with the growing visitors. So if you can find a way to boost the traffic of your page, you will have a better pagerank value and better ranking in the search engines.

3. The Quantity Of The Inbound Pages

The quantity of the inbound pages can shift the value. The inbound means the other associated pages of a certain page. The value of the associated pages is also very important when you want to increase pagerank. So it is better if most of your pages have high ranking value by following the two methods mentioned earlier. Also if you have link exchange contact with other similar sites, you need to be sure about the PageRank value of those sites.

Now you know the answer to the question: “How to Increase Google Pagerank?” If you follow all these methods, you will get a higher ranking in no time and your site will come among the top search results.

Did you know that you can rank well even for high-competitive keywords thanks to powerful 3waylinks link exchange network? And the best thing is that you can get 250 quality backlinks to each of your 50 sites every month for less than per site.

Google Pagerank: Top 8 FREE Ways to Increase Pagerank Within 1-2 Months

If you apply all the following 8 FREE ways to get high Google Pagerank, I ensure you will get high PR you wish in a shorter time. And the best thing is that your pagerank will not drop if you continue applying some of these methods on a monthly basis.

1. Blog Posting

Create a blog in blogger and post there from time to time for gaining quality backlinks to your main site. This will help you quickly indexed by Google.

2. Article submission

Always use top 10 article directories with High Google Pagerank and Alexa ranking for maximum exposure and getting backlinks from high PR sites.

3. Directory Submission

Submit your site to link directories, blog directories and as well as niche site directories which have high page rank.

4. Blog Commenting

Today this method is actively used by many marketers. In fact, it really works for gaining Google Pagerank in a minimum time, especially if you are commenting on dofollow blogs.

5. Forum Posting

Post only on the niche forums related to your site’s topic. It is recommended to post on forums with do-follow tags and high page ranking.

6. Submitting Articles To Forums

This is also very important when it comes to getting highly TARGETED Traffic and quality backlinks from high pr resources.

7. Submitting to RSS Feeds

Do not forget submit your site’s RSS feeds to top RSS feed directories.

8. Submitting Press-Releases

Submitting press-releases for Google Pagerank may help you gain a big exposure within a month thanks to high traffic and quality backlinks coming from press-release distribution sites, like PR7 prweb.com

7 Pagerank Secrets

Google Pagerank (hereinafter simply PR) algorithm for calculating credibility pages of the search engine Google. Speaking poprostomu Google uses raschityvaniya “importance” of the page relative to other pages on the Internet. “The importance of” page is calculated using the number of links to the site. There is an assessment by the number of external links to other sites, and the outgoing links to other resources estimated site. And since each page on the Internet has a degree of “importance” system calculates the PR in general terms, that is for all sites related links. PR is a measure of the amounts and from 0 to 10. The calculation and “misappropriation” page on the Internet a numerical target (PR) is in the so-called “Google Dance”. “Google Dance” is an update and data-synchronization data at the time and believed diverting PageRank pages. It should also be pointed out that PR is a page, not the entire site as well, namely a page. For example, at one site could be a page from different PR. Yet there is no single answer, a name from which PageRank. Indeed, some analysts believe that PageRank is not a merger of two words Page (Page) and Rank (rank level) and the derivative of the word “rank” and the name of one of the founders of Google, Larry Paige.

2 mystery-evaluate how PageRank As Google evaluates PR?

The question that haunted the people for years. Nobody exactly (except developers) do not know the real appreciation of the site and assigns importance to PR. The first chapter was written, that the estimates of the number of links, PR assigned during the “Google Dance” but did not know exactly how PR is calculated for a particular page. There Äri world where PR can be at the site and without some reference to it (site). Thus, this mystery is perhaps the most important and most closed. The approximate formula for calculating PR, which is not official information, and calculate the results of independent researchers : PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (T1) / C (T1) + … + PR (Tn) / C (Tn)) Where PR (A) – A PageRank page (meaning, which we want to withdraw). D-reduction factor. Usually, it is set to 0.85. PR (T1) – PageRank site claiming to A. C (T1) is the number of links leading to that page. PR (Tn) / C (Tn) means that we do for all pages that link to a page

3 A. secrecy as a PageRank to your page A does. PR receive it defines and prisvaevaet Google. But it is possible to increase. Obviously to improve PR also requires that site has been Goggle. And so the new map can take anywhere from one day to two weeks. It is known that one of the criteria to improve PR are references to other pages on the Internet the most common method for improving PR is a site with links to other resources on the Internet. It should not be forgotten that PR is calculated by the number of incoming and outgoing links, so its pages show weight should reduce the number of links to your site and try to get links from. There will be direct links. That is, if the code is a reference attribute “nofollow” then the link will not be considered as Google if it is not easy. That such references are not a Google – rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);” href=”http://www.blogger.com/example.com ” rel = “nofollow” Google does not take into account all the references. Search engine filters out links to sites dedicated to gathering references. Some links can not only take into account, but also adversely affect the ranking of the parent site (such effect physicists pessimizatsiey search). Google understands that the Webmaster is not in a position to influence those external links, but has full control of outbound links from his site. The reference to the site will not damage him, but references to the site can. It should be attentive to the site to which you refer.

4 secrecy transfusions PageRank PR Another mystery is his transfusion. Looks as follows. The site “X” homepage is PR-4 and is a new page or subdomain. Immediately after the index guglbotom, even in the absence of references to the subdomain he can be of PR. Not necessarily the same as the front page, one can, sometimes two. This phenomenon is not yet known, and few people know why this is so. As usual, there are suggestions, but no one can say the exact answer. But there also is not clear where beruschiysya PR is an opportunity to reflect that not all methods of evaluation are known to us. Here is a real-life example : A site shamol.3dn.ru owns PR-2 even though according to the same site from Google is no backlinks. Perhaps this transfusions of a domain in the same pool domains (3dn-domain free hosting and subdomain of the domain can be very long), as well as himself domain 3dn.ru immediately makes redirecting to a different domain.

5 secrets-how many references to increase PageRank known factor is the availability of external links to increase their PR site. But how much is required references to raise such PR your site until June? There is a lot of controversy, no one knows specifically (except developers) how much all such references, and what sites might raise your PR. But smart friends online about done, of course this is not true, as a last resort, but need to take into account. For example plaque, which can build : I earned the right to be considered that the references to pages in the high PR more important in evaluating the PR of your site. Rachityvaya all on the same table shows that the reference to the site to raise PR 6 page on which to PR4. While here, too, playing the role of such factors as the number of other references to ssylaemom site rank pages referred to by other references, and more.

6 secrecy as not to lose PageRank PR-pieces is quite relative and losing PR, that is, to make him fall quite easily. Chapters about transfusions and provides a PR basis. Above all this is not pereborschit with outgoing links on their site. But PR is calculated in the aggregate incoming and outgoing links. So if the number ihodyaschih will clearly exceed those site could face a strong decline PR. PR can also lose should the next “Google Dance” suddenly disappear all links to your site from other sites. There have been cases where PR fell from 6 to 1-2. And the worst option is the “Google” happy pinalti your site. The case has not seen, but found online stories that Google may well prodinamit site ulichenny Sales references just for show PR another site. Lock is the worst option, as a PR return will be difficult, if not impossible.

7 secrecy-earning a PageRank To date, sales of links to pages with high PR is one of the most profitable businesses online. Reference is usually sold for the month ahead and is depending on the value of PR of 5-6 dollars per link (PR 3-4) to a few hundred per link (PR 7-8). There is even a precedent, as a reference to the PR10 sell at auction for the whole year for 13,000 dollars. But as mentioned in the previous chapter, in which case there is a risk of pinalti from Google, which would entail reducing the PR and the available site and the customer site. Most references are sold in special markets references. It all happened quite quickly and automatically. Fill out your site posting issued code in the body of the page and the system itself will charge money and create links to the site. Naturally all of the parameters specified number of links, topics, etc. Here are the most popular and well-known system on the Web : 1. TextLinkAds – http://www.text-link-ads.com/?ref=87020 – please don’t delete my ref link, and become my ref. 2. Sape – http://www.sape.ru/r.34e3a30fc2.php

Please! For reprints articles do not remove references in the text and leave the backward link to my blog at http://17km.blogspot.com

Do Hair Growth Vitamin Supplements Help

Both men and women worry about their appearance. Most of us try to look our best yet sometimes we find we need a little help doing so. One of the most important aspects of looking good is great looking hair and some people find they can improve their appearance by using hair vitamin supplements.

Electrical Devices

Almost everyone uses some type of electrical apparatus on their hair. While these magical gadgets like hair dryers, curling irons and crimpers save us money and are fun to use, there is a price to pay.

We don’t exactly think about the damage we’re causing our hair when we admire the final result in the mirror, but over time we may be burning our hair, choking it and drying it out. This makes hair brittle and eventually unattractive. If you think you might be harming your hair this way, you might consider taking hair vitamin supplements.

Hair Dyes

Another way to make your hair more attractive is to dye it. In The danger here is the upkeep. Once you start dying your hair, you’ll need to do it often. Nothing looks more unattractive than a grown out dye job. Although your hair looks wonderful when you keep up with the color, these chemicals can and often do wreak havoc right before your eyes.

Although today’s dye products are full of moisturizers and have improved greatly over the years, these particular chemicals can rob your hair of its sheen and eventually leave you with dull, lifeless hair. If you regularly dye your hair, you may benefit from the use of hair vitamin supplements.

Healthy Hair

Oily hair can also be cause for concern. You may want to consult your physician and discuss the safe use of hair vitamin supplements. If you have a regular hair stylist, talk with her about your particular concerns. She may be able to recommend products that address your needs.

Of course, hair vitamin supplements can’t and won’t solve all of the challenges you face in your quest for great looking hair. The most important thing is healthy hair. Healthy hair is great looking hair. Pay less attention to products that claim to make your hair bigger, smaller, smarter and richer and concentrate on those products, if you even need any, that promote healthy hair.


Like our bodies, our hair needs the right amounts and kinds of vitamins and minerals. Before you decide to take hair vitamin supplements, learn which vitamins your hair needs to thrive, and then review your eating habits.

Consider whether your diet plays a part in the appearance of your hair. You may find that you don’t need extra supplements at all. Perhaps you need to brush your hair more or less or change shampoos. Explore different avenues with a hair care specialist to determine your particular needs.

In order to keep your hair beautiful you need to take care of it properly, because it reflects to some degree your overall health and self-confidence. You need to include a balanced diet in your quest for beautiful and healthy hair and take a look at your overall health.

After all, how can you expect to have healthy hair if you don’t take care of the rest of your body? After educating yourself fully, you may decide that you do need hair vitamin supplements. If that is the case, make sure you do not go above the recommended dosage as too much of a good thing isn’t the best thing.

Cancer Diet- The Role of Fibre

This article in the series on Cancer Diet explores the importance of fibre.

Fibre's role in the body is to assist in the timely expulsion of waste matter from the bowel. If this waste matter stays put for too long, the body starts to reabsorb the antigens and toxins from the bowel bacteria through the gut wall.

One of the easiest ways to tell if you are getting enough fibre is to inspect your stools. Sounds most unsavoury, I know, but all you need to do is see whether they float or sink in the toilet. If they are floating you are getting enough fibre, if they sink you are not.

The reason a good cancer diet will address the need for good elimination is that as the body fights the cancer it produces even more waste matter. This puts a very heavy load on the elimination systems. If the bowels are clogged up as well, then the body struggles under a highly toxic load. This in turn takes much needed resources away from healing functions. Of course, if the patient is also having chemotherapy treatment, good elimination is even more crucial.

In a well managed cancer diet, there will already be a good proportion of raw foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. These raw foods are one of the best sources of natural dietary fibre.

Other much touted remedies such as psyllium husks can be very helpful, but it is preferable to get your fibre directly from your foods, which also contain other elements such as enzymes that help digestion.

Water is also absolutely critical for good bowel function, assisting in the flushing of the bulk material and the toxins that accumulate there. Absolutely no point in upping the fibre content then depriving the body of water so that it all becomes a big plug!

Many medications can cause constipation so be on the lookout for this side effect when starting any new ones. Also high levels of calcium and low thyroid hormones can play havoc, so if you continue having constipation after increasing your fibre and water content, make a beeline for your doctor. Constipation has far too many negative side-effects to allow it to continue too long.

Just a quick PS - every cancer diet should include pears, as they are full of fibre, water and highly nutritious to boot. If you are constipated, a full ripe pear on an empty stomach first thing in the morning followed by a glass of water has a very good chance of doing the trick!

Saunas: Pleasure That Is Safe

Saunas have been used for many years as a way to relax and to improve the body’s look and feel. If you have never been able to set foot in one, then there are some things that you should know so that you can be properly prepared and so that you can remain safe. Saunas can be soothing and exhilarating when they are used correctly.

Here are some things to remember when you step into saunas:

• Realizing that it is going to be hot is important. In some cases, temperatures can range from any place between 60 degrees to 120 degrees. They are generally at about 70 to 90 degrees Celsius most of the time.

• Because of this temperature and the level of humidity in the saunas, you will find that often heat prostration and heat stroke can occur. It is important to watch for signs of these as you may not realize it if you are relaxing.

• Also, after the sauna, it is customary to take a cool shower or even take a plunge in a cool bath afterwards. The problem with this is that it needs to be done carefully to avoid the sudden and intense increase in blood pressure that can make you dizzy.

• Saunas should not be used by individuals who have a history of conditions such as stroke or hypertension because saunas can quite affect these conditions.

In many cases, saunas are thought to help cleanse the body. Some people believe that they help the body get rid of toxins that are in the pores through sweating. In fact, in some countries it is believed that saunas can help cure diseases as well! What there is no doubt about is that saunas are a great way to relax and to enjoy some soothing time. If you have the opportunity, visit one as often as you can so that you too can experience this pleasure that is like nothing else

Laser: The Ultimate Acne Terminator?

Acne is really a big deal to anyone that suffers from it! It is major problem for almost all the teenagers, not only in this country, but also in all parts of the globe. Everyone wants to get rid of it! In fact, there is a wide variety of things that can actually help you cure it. You can make a paste or mask from different kinds of plants and herbs or just buy non-prescription products on the nearest store. However,You should know that these are just meant to handle mild to moderate acne problems. So, when these products and procedures are not working well for you, it is advisable to see and consult a doctor for advise.

There are really extreme cases when acne can't be treated just by self medication. Your doctors can offer you a more potent drug, or he/she can suggest another good option - acne laser treatment. In our present day, technology is changing our world faster than we think! Through the advance of science, we can now take advantage of LASER technology further in medical operations. Medical specialists say that undergoing acne LASER treatment is one of the most advance and, probably, the most effective treatment you can have to totally get rid of acne today. This amazing procedure will surely give hope to people who are greatly suffering with their acne. We have already used LASER treatment on acne scarring successfully for years, but it is truly a breakthrough to be used in treating existing acne. The question now is how can acne LASER treatment actually cure acne? Is it safe and effective?

How can that be?

Acne LASER Treatment is done by applying extreme thermal or heat effect on the sebaceous glands in order to damage it. Studies prove that the laser equipment used in the operation can actually do four treatments in one-month intervals. Statistics shows that 16 out of 17 patients got a 100% success on clearing the face. Test through skin biopsy immediately afterwards the operations revealed that the sebaceous glands showed alterations caused by the induced heat, decreasing the production of oil. Immediate proofs that acne LASER treatment is taking a postive effect!

Two Types of LASER

In performing acne LASER treatments, doctors are actually using two types of LASERs. One type deal with the inhibition of the bacterial growth that causes skin problems, while the other is made to work with the sebaceous glands in order to reduce the production of oil in particular parts of the body especially the face.

Still Under investigation

Even if it already proved to be a success on totally eradicating your acne, doctors admitted that acne LASER Treatment is still under research to further study its short and long-time effects. Thus, it is still not available yet for widely use to everyone. The patients should also know that insurance is not covered in the acne LASER treatment and that not all states can distinguish who are and who are not allowed to perform operations using LASER. Medical specialists also warn that procedures that require the use of LASER should be done by qualified physicians only. It is also suggested that you should ask for the qualification of the one that will do the operation before undergoing acne LASER treatment.

How many? for how long?

Your doctor might suggest that you undergo acne LASER Treatment for about 5 months, one treatment every month, in order to get satisfying results. However, if acne reappears, additional acne LASER treatment done periodically will be required.

How does it feel?

You might wonder how it feels undergoing the procedure. Well, most patients say that acne LASER treatment will give you a rubberband-like sensation during the operation. If ever you find this uncomfortable, you are given the choice to have topical anesthetic cream applied directly on your skin.

Omega 3 Fish Oil EPA and DHA Explained

There is no doubt that Omega 3 fish oil can not only help your heart and joints, but your brain too. Most people are aware of these benefits, but aren’t sure whether the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil apply across the board for all types of Omega 3 fish oils. There are now many different brands available on the world market, with sellers aiming to capitalise on the Omega 3 fish oil ‘boom’. This makes for such a wide range of products and so many claims that it is hard for the consumer to sift fact from fiction.

Omega 3 fish oil contains two active ingredients: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Most fish oils on the market contain both these ingredients in various quantities - the argument that has arisen concerns which of these essential nutrients you need, and which is better than the other.

The simple answer to this is that both are vital nutrients, but they are each important at different stages of life; it is becoming clear in the scientific community that they both have different functions.


DHA is now thought to constitute the ‘building blocks’ of the brain, forming about 8% of the brain by weight - this is why it is important for pregnant mothers to ensure an adequate supply throughout pregnancy.

DHA is also added to some infant milk formulas by some leading manufacturers, as an infant requires a lot of DHA in the first two years of life to support the growth of the brain.


EPA however is different; this essential nutrient is now considered by some leading doctors and professors in the UK as being the single most vital nutrient in the functioning of the brain and nerve stimulation.

This was highlighted by the release of a very high profile book by a leading psychiatric professor, who is using a very strong form of ethyl EPA to help treat patients of his who suffer from depression and schizophrenia. Moreover, the ethyl EPA that the professor is using has had the DHA removed. In the book he explains that Ethyl EPA fish oil is not as potent, and does not give the same therapeutic effects as when the DHA is present.

According to the professor, this is backed up by two randomised controlled trials at the University of Baylor and Sheffield, where depressed people who were given DHA only fared slightly worse than the placebo-controlled group.


So what happens if the body becomes deficient of DHA? The professor goes on to describe that the body can convert EPA into DHA, as it is only two steps down the chain of ecosanoids. This is a process the body can do relatively easily. The body can also convert DHA into EPA, but our bodies struggle to make this conversion and it is not a very efficient process.

A good example of this would be with flaxseed oil, that is high in the omega 3 parent fatty acid ALA (alphalinoic acid); to obtain roughly 1 gram of EPA, you would have to ingest 11 grams of flaxseed oil.


The simple truth is that you need both these essential nutrients. The evidence is increasingly pointing towards the two being important for various stages of life. DHA when compared against EPA in treating depression is faring no better than a placebo; however the DHA is important for pregnant mothers and children from birth to two years. Beyond that some leading doctors (Mercola, Stoll, Puri) are leaning towards EPA being very beneficial for the daily functioning of the brain

The Science of Arthritis

In order to understand how to handle arthritis pain, you need to understand how the body works and how arthritis can impede the body from working properly. Once someone has a general understanding of the science behind arthritis, one can better understand how to handle arthritis pain and get some arthritis relief.

First of all, there are several different types of arthritis. The two most commonly known forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, there are three other major types of arthritis. These other forms of arthritis are systemic lupus erythematosis, ankylosing spondylitis and gout. Let’s take a look at each:

• Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) – This form of arthritis mainly affects women. It develops in the skin, internal organs and joints.

• Ankylosing Spondylitis – This form or arthritis affects the spine and can also affect the ankles, knees, lungs, heart, shoulders and eyes.

• Gout – This is a painful affliction mainly for men, about one million of them in the United States alone. Uric acid build up, due to an internal chemical malfunction, forms crystals that get stuck in a joint, generally the big toe, and become inflamed.

Where two bones meet, called joints, are covered with cartilage, also known as gristle. This cartilage is sturdy, elastic, and spongy or compressible, and keeps the bones from moving against each other at the joint. Healthy joints can handle some fairly heavy pressure. For example, when taking a walk a person’s knees handle a force of three to four times a person’s total body weight, while deep knee bends can increase to nine times the body’s weight. Unfortunately, arthritis effects how joints function properly in your body.

Surrounding the bones and cartilage is a strong, fibrous capsule lined with synovium, a thin membrane that lubricates the joint area with fluid. The end result is less friction or smoother rubbing together of the bones. This fluid also feeds the cartilage cells, keeping them healthy, and is “pumped” into them during joint movement. Therefore, lack of movement can be unhealthy. By understanding more about how joints work it is easy to see why exercise plays a crucial role in arthritis relief.

Arthritic joints can be affected with inflammation when bacteria or a virus (or other undesirable element) enters the joint area or when an injury occurs. What happens is when foreign matter enters this area or the area sustains injury, white blood cells, antibodies and other natural “fighting” mechanisms automatically kick in internally to help. These fighters cause swelling, redness and heat as the body fluid moves around. Symptoms of inflammation, one of the uncomfortable issues associated with arthritis pain, are redness, swelling and tender joints.

The exact science of what actually causes arthritis is still being researched. For most forms of arthritis, the causes are unknown. Injury, overuse of joints and mechanical issues with joints (like skeletal abnormalities, worn out joint muscles) can lead to arthritis. Many arthritis experts also point to issues relating to bacteria as one of the main culprits causing arthritis. Heredity, stress, drugs, food allergies and viruses have also been linked to some forms of arthritis. Likewise, diet, poor circulation, and lack of movement have also been connected to arthritis.

While it appears that arthritis may be caused by many factors, the good news is that at least some of these factors can be controlled. Clearly, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise will go along way towards arthritis relief.

HGH to Back Global Protein Therapeutics Market

According to our new research report “Global Protein Therapeutics Market Analysis”, protein therapeutics market has been growing at the fast pace for the past few years globally. Key segments in protein therapeutics are playing an important role in the global healthcare industry and in key fields of medicine. Key factors acting as growth drivers for the market are easier regulatory approvals for therapeutic products, lower threat from generic erosion, and favorable pricing environment. It was estimated that the global protein therapeutics market in 2010 stood at around US$ 95 Billion, which was a growth of 9% from previous year.

Our report has found that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) market forms an important part of the global protein therapeutics market. Currently, the market is characterized by a small number of key players, however the future growth prospects are attractive. Significant increase in the number of approved indications and rising generic competition helped global HGH market to be worth US$ 3.11 Billion in 2010 and the market will further grow in a fairly good manner.

The report “Global Protein Therapeutics Market Analysis”, provides a prudent analysis and extensive research of the global protein therapeutics market. It covers all the important aspects of the market and analyzes current developments and trends in segments such as, Monoclonal antibody, Insulin, Interferon Beta, G-CSF, Coagulation factors, Erythropoietin, Human growth hormone, Blood clotting factor, and Follicle stimulating hormone. The report also highlights emerging trends of the global protein therapeutics industry that are likely to impact the market development in future.

The report is an outcome of an in-depth research and rational analysis of the global protein therapeutics industry. The usage of effective methods and techniques for future projection makes the outlook more realistic and better. The report provides the description and recent developments of key active market players of the industry. Overall, the report is likely to facilitate decision making of clients by providing them effective analysis and reliable data.

Healthy Snack Recipes

We would like to share with you some delicious and healthy snack recipes. They are easy to make and your whole family will love it.

Vegetarian Baba Ganoush

This is a Middle Eastern spread and dip is similar to hummus, but is made with eggplant instead of chickpeas (garbanzo beans). This recipe is particularly hummus-like, since it uses some chickpeas for a thicker texture.

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 60 minutes


1 large eggplant

1 can chickpeas, drained (garbanzo beans)

3 cloves garlic

1/4 cup lemon juice

3 tbsp tahini

dash sea salt

1/4 cup olive oil

2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley (optional)


Slice eggplant in half, and roast in 400 degree oven for approximately 45 minutes, or until soft. Allow to cool slightly, then scoop out inside of eggplant, leaving skin behind.

In a blender or food processor combine eggplant and remaining ingredients, except oil and parsley, until smooth. Mixture will be somewhat thick. Slowly incorporate olive oil until well mixed. Mix in chopped parsley by hand. Serves eight.

Enjoy with veggies, pita, or as a sandwich spread. I like to spread some baba ghanoush in a flour tortilla and add lettuce, tomatoes and veggies for a sandwich wrap.

Stuffed Celery with Bean Dip

This recipe for stuffed celery with chick pea and white kidney bean dip is a healthy and spicy snack that is great for parties.

Cut several stalks of celery into 3 inch pieces. Set aside.

Chick Pea and White Kidney Bean Dip

15-oz chick peas (aka Garbonzo beans)

15-oz white kidney beans (aka Cannellini beans)

6-oz can tomato paste

6 oz water

2 teaspoons ground cumin

2 teaspoons chili powder

3-4 gloves garlic

1 teaspoon sweet dried Basil

1/2 teaspoon dried Cilantro leaves

1 Jalapeo pepper or hot sauce to taste

This dip can be made in either a blender or food processor.

Open and drain the cans of chick peas and white kidney beans. Empty into the blender container or food processor. Spoon the tomato paste into the blender container. Fill the can with water and swish around or loosen any remaining tomato paste with a spoon and empty into blender container.

Add all the other ingredients into the blender container, cover and run the blender at high speed until smooth. For stuffing into the celery, you will want the dip fairly thick, but it can be easily thinned with water for a more liquid consistency to use as a dip with fresh vegetables or pita slices.

Spread the dip into the cut celery pieces using a flat serving knife and serve on a platter.

Baked Acorn Squash with Brie, Cranberries, Onions, and Pistachios

You'll need:

1 Small or medium acorn squash

2 Tablespoons of butter

1 Handful of dried cranberries

1 Small onion, diced

1 Handful of chopped pistachio nuts

1 Small round of your favorite brie cheese, sliced into thin wedges

Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 450F. Using a large, sharp knife halve the squash lengthwise and halve pieces again. Scrape out seeds with a spoon and discard. Place squash piece skin side up in the oven until tender, about 35 to 40 minutes.

In a fry pan add butter and let melt. Add diced onion and cook until translucent, about 3 minutes. Mix dried cranberries and pistachios and stir for another 4 or 5 minutes. Add salt to taste.

Once tender, take squash out from oven and scrape cooked flesh out with a spoon into a baking dish. Cover the squash with brie slices and cranberry mixture. Bake in the oven until the brie is melted over squash.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

How Does Radiation Therapy Work?

When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, it is appropriate for him or her to discuss possible cancer treatment options as there are a variety of options to consider. There are two aggressive treatments that are commonly used today in the fight against cancer, those are external beam radiation therapy, or EBRT and intensity modulated radiation therapy or IMRT.

It is widely known that radiation is a relatively effective treatment that emits a high dose of radiation within the body to kill specific cancer cells while working to preserve the nearby healthy cells. It is possible to use one or both radiation treatments and this is determined on the location, size, and type of the tumor.

The purpose of EBRT is to destroy the tumor and cancer cells nearby while preserving healthy tissue as much as possible. This medical procedure is likened to receiving an x-ray as it works by emitting high energy x-rays or electrons. This painless and bloodless procedure involves a machine delivering a beam of radiation to the tumor and surrounding area.

The most common machine used to administer this type of radiation is a linear accelerator, also known as a linac. The size and shape of the beam is determined by the radiation oncologist, in addition to how it is directed at the patient's body, in order to treat the tumor effectively without damaging nearby normal tissue.

IMRT administers high doses of radiation via a highly targeted beam directly to the cancer cells. It is more precise than traditional radiation therapy, and the administering equipment can be rotated in such a way that the beams are emitted at certain angles to effectively treat the tumor. Therefore, by delivering higher doses of radiation directly to the cancer cells at the proper angle, it is more likely that the nearby healthy tissue can be preserved.

Higher doses of radiation have been associated with the reduction of complication rates and improved tumor control, clinical studies have found. Patients that had tumors near vital organs or structures were often considered untreatable. IMRT can now be used for these types of tumors since the beam is highly targeted.

However, because these specific tumors need targeting with complete accuracy, computer images are now conducted for the purpose of planning and delivering the radiation so that it resembles the tumor shape. It is up to the patient's health care provider to determine the radiation dosage based on the tumor size, shape, and location.

Both EBRT and IMRT have been proven to be successful treatments in the fight against all types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Cancer patients receiving EBRT, IMRT, or both, will undergo radiation therapy every day for an undetermined amount of weeks, usually seven to ten, in order to minimize side effects.

Surgery For The Stars

While plastic surgery might remain for many of us something of a pipe dream, the thing we'd do if we won the lottery, for those in the entertainment industry, it has slowly but surely become akin to an entry pass into Hollywood. While there are still a large percentage of women in the general populace who are quite content to sit around with their girlfriends and talk about what they would have done, there is a certain faction of womankind - though as the pressure to conform to a particular 'look' increases, the male membership of the group increases also - for whom plastic surgery is simply inevitable.

It is very difficult to find a woman in tinsel town whose only surgeon has been the natural passing of time - in fact, there is a growing subsection of the entertainment and gossip industry that thrives off the maudlin reportage of what stars are having done, and how wrong it is going. While there is undoubted interest, and even admiration, for the woman who has had plastic surgery go right, we seem to take greater delight in perusing photograph after photograph of some former beauty who has suffered the misfortune of having something not quite go to plan in the surgery room.

Because regardless of the star who succumbs to the knife, and regardless of the surgeon who wields it, the fates sometimes frown on surgery, and the rich and famous take the same risks with plastic surgery that the rest of us do. But this inherent danger seems to be of little consequence, as the list of surgery supporters grows ever larger. And while we continue to gaze with wonder at the beautiful celebrities that fill our magazines, it becomes increasingly difficult to find one that has not yet been surgically enhanced. Because it seems that to succeed in a world where talent is only second best, the surgical manipulation of physical appearance really is inevitable.

The Role of Medical Imaging Software

There is no doubt that medical imaging software is a vital part of modern medicine. Today doctors rely heavily on imaging software to provide diagnoses of a whole variety of illnesses. In nearly all fields of medicine, scans and imaging software are used by doctors to see the body's interior for accurate diagnosis. This article discusses the role of medical imaging software in medicine and why advancements in technology are important and research should continue into the technology used.

Medical imaging software in particular is crucial to MRI scans. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging and it involves a magnetic field being directed to the part of the body that needs investigating for problems and abnormalities. Through the magnetic field radio waves are sent. When the waves hit the body, the nuclei of the atoms in the cells give off energy. The software used detects this energy and converts the data into images for a doctor or radiologist to view. These images show any abnormalities with the cells and can detect a host of problems such as tumours. It is the scan itself that creates the information, but it is the medical imaging software that presents the data in a way that it can be used.

Imaging software is also used in other scan types (or modalities). A CT scan is another valuable and commonly used scan to help doctors gain a good understanding of what is wrong with a person's health. It is most often used to explore the brain further and will be prescribed after someone has suffered a serious head trauma. During a CT scan a very large number of pictures or images are taken at the same time. Imaging software is then used to interpret this web of pictures into one 3 dimensional image of the body or the brain. Just like with MRI scans, without imaging software neither of these scans would exist. It is one thing gathering the data, but unless it is displayed in a helpful way the data is totally useless.

Another type of scan that uses medical imaging software is an x-ray. Most people have heard of an x-ray and can picture the images produced from it. It is used mostly to detect broken bones as it is not usually able to provide a very clear picture of more intricate parts of the body like cells and tissue. It does show up broken or fractured bones however very well. During the procedure, the body receives a dose of radiation. The radiation travels through the body being absorbed in small amounts as it does so. The waves travel at different speeds and it is this data that is interpreted by software to be projected onto film. The film holds a clear image of the bones in the body. An x-ray can detect other abnormalities in the body, but will not display them as clearly as a CT or MRI scan would. If a shadow or dense area is spotted on the x ray then further scans will be required.

An ultrasound scan is another type of scan that relies heavily on medical imaging software. This can be used to detect many things in the body but is most commonly used during pregnancies. It does provide a clear picture however and therefore can be used to investigate the organs in the body and even the bones.

If it wasn't for medical imaging software, none of these scans would be possible. Although the data would be collected, without software it would not be displayed in a format that was possible to understand or interpret. Researching technology and ensuring medical imaging software is as good as it can be is vital to the field of medicine. Oncology software in particular is vital in the fight against cancer. Medical image fusion takes these scans even further by enabling the images to be viewed at the same time for an even clearer picture.

Reasons To Have Laser Eye Surgery

Just like the rest of the body, there are a host of things that can go wrong with the eyes. There are also some problems that people are born with and have to live with from birth. Here you will find information about a large number of conditions that might require laser eye surgery of some kind. Some conditions are not necessarily problematic, in the sense that they won't cause you to go blind if no treatment is given. However, there are other conditions that can lead to loss of sight.

If you were born with some kind of a refractive problem in your eyes then you may well need laser eye surgery to correct them in later life. It is possible to wear glasses or contact lenses if you do have something wrong, however laser eye surgery may allow you to throw away your glasses for good. Myopia or shortsightedness can be corrected by lasik eye surgery. During the procedure the cornea is flattened slightly to correct the refractive problem. By making the cornea more curved, longsightedness is another refractive problem that can be successfully fixed with laser eye surgery. Another refractive problem that can be corrected with laser eye surgery is astigmatism which is when the cornea curves differently in the eye. In other words, one side of the cornea is curved differently to how it is curved on the other side. Not only does both long and shortsightedness occur when someone is born with this condition, but eyesight can even be blurred. Lasik eye surgery can flatten the steepest part of the eye and therefore correct the vision.

As well as refractive problems, laser eye surgery can remove a number of conditions that can affect sight. One such condition is pterygium. This is the name of a condition that involves a small amount of tissue growing across the eye. It doesn't look nice and it can make vision a little blurry or patchy. It can be removed instantly with laser eye surgery and the person's eye sight should return as good as new. Blepharospasm can also be helped with laser eye surgery. This is the involuntary twitching of the eye and although it is not life threatening or likely to ruin a person's eye sight, it can be very irritating and affect negatively day to day life.

There are other very serious and damaging conditions that can be helped or removed entirely with laser eye surgery. Glaucoma can be very damaging indeed and is caused when there is a build of fluid in the eye. If the fluid cannot pass freely due to a blockage then pressure will build. The pressure can lead to partial or complete blindness so if glaucoma has been diagnosed, action needs to be taken as soon as possible. There is laser eye surgery that can remove the blockage entirely. This procedure has saved the sight of thousands of people across the world. Laser treatment can also assist in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and other illnesses related to diabetes. Anyone who has diabetes is at risk of developing certain eye conditions, and so it is very important that regular check ups are carried out.

Laser eye surgery is a very quick surgery. Some procedures take just a few minutes per eye. Patients can have the surgery done on an outpatient basis and can be home after just an hour or so in the hospital. Patients notice a major difference in their eye sight when they wake up the following morning but results can be felt after just a couple of hours later.

Laser eye surgery can be used to treat many conditions and illnesses. There is laser vision correction available for refractive problems, as well as illnesses like glaucoma. There is also lens exchange surgery possible for cataract removal.

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